Instrument Incoming!

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-thecynic315, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-PurrceyPurespirit007 Guest

    Move it to my charm slot and it will become useful. In its current slots has no use for me.
  2. ARCHIVED-Inggy Guest

    Agreed, as a charm item it would be useful as symbol/ranged it will only sit in your bags. Just like \aITEM -1052334673 1816418142:Hand of the Maestro\/a sits in my bag.
    Now if SoE would make the Hand a charm item.....
  3. ARCHIVED-Niun01 Guest

    Actually, I will be using this exclusively as I almost rarely use my bow. At least I will be using it as soon as I can finish the last 3 parts to it :p
    As for the charm slot idea.. there is already a drum from Mystmyr Manor. Here is the linky: \aITEM 559014787 625058251:Mistmoore Battle Drums\/a
  4. ARCHIVED-Elifin Guest

    Would make a nice house item imo.
    Duel wield ftw!
  5. ARCHIVED-aseop Guest

    Hmmm... if your soloing I would not use, the bow is much better for kiting. However for certain raids, I would prefer the drum to a bow. Ereon
  6. ARCHIVED-HollowHearted Guest

    Full_Metal_Mage wrote:
    Ok, in a DnD book called Libris Motris there's a prestige class called "Dirge Singer" ...Dirge
    1: a song or hymn of grief or lamentation ; especially : one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites
    2: a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music
    3: something (as a poem) that has the qualities of a dirge

    So basically its someone who sings songs of great depression, as a bard inspires their party to push themselves to greater limits with songs of glory and victory, a Dirge singer would sing (like someone stated before) songs of such great depression or tragic loss of a lover that their foes would lose some, if not all, their will to fight. As for the disease question, at least in DnD (and as the feats names seem to indicate "Death's Door" or "Piercing shriek") the Dirge singer spends most of their time in cemetaries and graveyards singing to the dead, undead, and incorporeal, also alot of the evil prestige classes have a feat called "Death touched" which places them in an odd racial class..they become half dead hald living and are able to use certain unusual abilities like being able to use undead restricted weapons and armor.

    A Banshee: a female spirit in Gaelic folklore whose appearance or wailing warns a family that one of them will soon die, has some similar qualities.
    So why is a Dirge like a bard? they sing their foes into depression. Why can they use diseases? because in some fantasy they spend time in graveyards around undead
    and in others they actually become partially undead.