Installation issue

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Tierne2, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Tierne2 New Member

    During the installation process I keep receiving the following error process and the game has ceased to install.
    *Warning: Retrying music/combat/battle_med004_nonadap.mp3 This message keeps repeating and no further downloading or install are occurring. Any ideas how to get past this individual file?

    Now after nine iterations of the above warning this error statement:*Error: Unable to download SocketError:Connection Timed-out - Destination host failed to respond (10060 - -
    Checking game installation...
  2. Cragfire Well-Known Member

    Are you running any other programs in the background? Firewalls? Realtime virus scanning? Anything of the like? If a port is blocked on your system, it can cause issues. I remember a while back something about different expansions using different networking ports.. Just a though.. Just a guess.. try turning everything off in the background.. then try patching.
  3. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Is the Launcher able to start, or are you not getting that far? If the Launchpad won't start, then go to the download page and re-download the launcher and reinstall it. Sometimes files get borked, even launcher files.

    If you can get the Launchpad running, click the Advanced Tools button (crossed hammer and wrench icon) and ask it to Validate your files.

    Have you tried rebooting your computer? Your modem? Your router?
  4. Tierne New Member

    Thanks for the input. I just gave up on it last night and when I logged in today, it resumed downloading and installing. Go figure...
  5. Rotchi Active Member

    Welcome to the wonderful mysterious world of the EQ2 client. This, and other mysterious, errors will occur regularly so get used to it and smile each time it happens. Remember that 99 out of 100 times, there is never any issues with your local pc settings or hardware, it is on DBGs end. So smile every time it happens and giggle out of joy as you restart the client.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Does your ISP throttle your bandwidth? I had this problem at one time, where I'd reach however many bytes the daily download limit was and That. Was. It.

    I changed providers!
    Rosyposy likes this.