Inquisitor Spell Issues 07/06/2005

Discussion in 'Inquisitor' started by ARCHIVED-Ssinurn, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    Here is the compiled list of Inquisitor spell issues. Please feel free to add to this list. I have tried to include links to any discussions along with their respective spells, but this post is mainly for consolidation/organization purposes. Thanks for recently fixing some spell timer and target issues, but there is still work to be done.
    (Please post corrections or additions - I'm certainly not perfect! This list is in no way complete I'm sure. - Thanks. )

    3/10/2005 - Initial post.
    3/11/2005 - Updates.
    3/15/2005 - More updates.
    3/22/2005 - Verified current issues + added some new
    3/24/2005 - Added in additional issues from forum posts
    3/29/2005 - more updates.
    4/01/2005 - Scaling updates.
    4/14/2005 - Updates from abilities forums and posts in the thread.
    4/19/2005 - Updates.
    5/04/2005 - More updates.
    5/06/2005 - Live update #8 updates - many things moved to fixed area.
    5/31/2005 - Updates based on forum posts and Live Update #9 changes.
    6/06/2005 - DoT issue added, added info for Zealotry haste.
    6/17/2005 - Post Fan Faire and Live update #10 updates.
    7/06/2005 - Reading reactive issue as although our healing is fixed the damage portion is not.

    [ Issue with this spell/game mechanic not functioning according to the spell description, stacking or other errors. ]

    Favour of the Repentant, Contrite Grace, Stinging Penance, Salutary Diatribe -- All bugged. Previously, if the damage portion of these spells are resisted one healing charge is used up. This is not how templar reactives work. To test, utilize one of the above spells with a manastone and check resist percentage and see how many tics of reactives occur versus a templar doing the same activity.
    *NOW*: The heal portion always works but now the damage portion never fires. I'm sure this was an issue introduced to fix the previous bug but with soloing being more important in new content, this is effectively lowering Inquisitor dps. For a priest class that is on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of damage already this is an added disadvantage.

    45 Unholy Adept (pet fun spell) incorrectly linked to the Arch Healing timer when cancelled.

    39 Imprison - Spell sometimes gets stuck on more than its 9 second recast. This was observed with Master 1 and Adept 1 versions of the spell.

    31 Cruel Invocation and Mark of Pawns (18 low level cleric spell) are on same recast timer.

    Shizara's Castigation (lvl 20 training skill) and Symbol of Corruption (Bloodlines DoT) are not stacking.

    All DoT's not ticking for a final tick, please see this thread as well as this information:

    Has anyone noticed that things like the DoT spells don't go for their full duration? For example, Oppression is supposed to last 24 seconds and and do X damage every 4.0 seconds (going from the top of my head so don't hold it against me if I'm off slightly or don't remember the exact damage amount). My expectation would be that the spell would do damage when it first lands, then every 4.0 seconds after that looking like this:

    Seconds : Damage
    0.0 : X
    4.0 : X
    8.0 : X
    12.0 : X
    16.0 : X
    20.0 : X
    24.0 : X

    Instead, the DoT disappears from my maintained spells list as soon as it does the 2nd to last tick of damage. That means that the spell is doing 1/7th less damage than it should be, if it is indeed supposed to work as I suppose. I've noticed this with my one other DoT I have so far (I think its called cleansing fire).

    Seconds : Damage
    0.0 : X
    4.0 : X
    8.0 : X
    12.0 : X
    16.0 : X
    20.0 : X
    24.0 : (Nothing missing damage for final tick.)

    Does anyone know what the intended behaviour is supposed to be?

    - Tigsen
    [Above edited for clarity]

    Scaling/Benefit Questionable:
    [The spell has issues due the cost vs reward of upgrading the spell and/or the ratio of benefit it provides throughout its incarnations.]
    50 Zealotry
    Issue: Upgrading this spell is of no significance and increased power.
    App1: 49% Haste
    App4: 50% Haste
    Adept 1: 50% Haste for 29 power. (<< Please note:)
    Adept 3: 50% Haste for 31 power. (<< INCREASED power cost for something that cannot be resisted.)
    Master: 50% Haste for 32 power (<< Same issue.)

    49 Vitation
    Issue: Upgrading this spell is of no significance, and increased power for the same cost.
    Power cost: 77
    Decease STR of target by 53
    Decrease INT of target by 35

    Power cost: 78
    Decease STR of target by 53
    Decrease INT of target by 35

    44 Hallowed Aura (single target buff)
    Apprentice 2: gives 345 HP and 1% DPS increase
    Master: gives 391 HP and 1% DPS increase
    (Although all buff scaling throughout all classes seems off.)

    {Please post info on some of the Adept 3 buffs if any issues - I personally do not have them yet to test myself
    but I am sure there are scaling issues there}

    [Things that are concern that are not necessarily bugged - possibly working as intended; however,
    things we are still curious about.]
    39 Imprison
    Large power cost for its' benefit. Some report this spell not being terribly effective as well - low chance of landing (most likely due to low Subjugation of user) and/or low duration for power cost. Or easily breaking on further damage.

    Group Cure traits
    We are the only healing class with only 1 group cure option - group cure noxious. With the use of AoEs endgame, this is limiting. Possibly this has already been balanced with other abilities, but a review is probably in order.

    Reactive's stacking
    Also similar to templars, single reactives stack serially, while group reactives stack and fire at the same time. Is this working as intended?

    Out of group rez confirmation
    Comfirmation box on revive to allow for out of group rez's.

    Cruel Intentions line
    In live update #5 adjustment was made to this line of our stifle dot. Now the spell seems to do a small dot and then a brief stifle at the termination of the spell. If chaining stifling is too overpowered, perhaps this spell line can be looked at to see if the change was appropriate and did not overly reduce Inquisitor effectiveness in small groups.

    Unholy Adept
    Fluff pet spell, but doesn't zone with the owner. Can this be changed?

    Request for Info
    Tigsen is trying to compile some information on spells, power cost, etc. This is a very worthwhile effort as it will only lead to us truly understanding issues with our spells and not just guessing that something *seems* ineffective. Here is the link to the post, please contribute if you meet his criteria.

    <b>Fixed List: (Thanks!)</b>
    [Items here are fixed and until I hear otherwise they will be moved here, if its broken/rebroken I'll move it back to the appropriate area.]

    Mob Fear/Charming PCs - bug with Reactives.
    If your heal target gets feared or charmed you can't use reactives on them when it breaks. You get "Target not grouped" messages and have to resort to direct heals until the encounter is done.

    35 Act of Belief
    Spell wears off when one person in the group procs the DD instead of staying for the 3 minute duration and giving all group members a chance to proc the DD during duration.

    49 Act of Faith
    Spell wears off when one person in the group procs the DD instead of staying for the 3 minute duration and giving all group members a chance to proc the DD during duration.

    Water breathing line -- Stacking issues
    Casting more than one causes water breathing effect to be cancelled.

    Casting Timer Window dissapears if Buff or Debuff expires during spell cast.
    (Shamelessly taken from the templar list as we have this problem too, probably other spells are affected as well ).
    Place any debuff on a target mob (Rebuke, Weakness, Sign of Weakness) or cast any Tgt or Grp Heal onto your party.
    Watch the timer on each of those buffs/debuffs, as it get low (or in the case of Reactives, as the last tick expires), begin to Cast another spell (any spell will do)
    If the buff/debuff expires or reactive charges expire, the Cast Timer Window goes away and you are left wondering what happened to your spell.
    I have noticed this occurring while casting various heals/debuffs/reactives.

    32 Dogmatic Healing incorrectly casts combat buff on the caster instead of the castee as listed. In addition its upgrade, Intolerant Healing properly casts the combat buff on the castee.

    22 Reforming of Soul vs. 50 Conversion of Soul:
    Exact same spell at the moment, Beghn has stated he will increase the amount of healing on the level 50 version as well as clarify its' spell description.

    Symbol of Corruption (Bloodline chronicles) - Adv.pack spell
    Apprentice IV: Power 68, Inflicts 25 dmg, Inflicts 31 dmg every 4 seconds, decrease WIS by 10
    Adept 3: Power 71, Inflicts 28 dmg, Inflicts 31 dmg every 4 seconds, decrease WIS by 10
    3 more damage total vs 2 more mana cost. Removed per an increase to the live servers of 42 per
    tic. Removed at the request of the original submitter Uiuiui of Permafrost.

    48.6 Forced Compliance at Adept III (Inquistor level 48.6)
    * Decrease Crushing, Slashing, Piercing and Ranged of target by 8
    * Decrease Crushing, Slashing, Piercing and Ranged of target by 12 pending LU#9b. Which is still on test at this time. Pending changes this issue
    will likely be removed if the versions scale as they appear to be on test.

    Issue: Removed class comparison as it is inappropriate since the spell has been adjusted.

    Issue 2: Adept 1, Adept III and Master 1 all have the same effect according to spell text (lowers by 8) The only thing that increases is the manacost.

    Issue 3: Level 34 Forced Acquiesence (Adept I) is the precursor to this spell and upgrading to Forced Compliance (Adept I) for 187 power vs 212 power and Decrease Crushing, Slashing, Piercing and Ranged of target by only 7 as opposed to 8 for a net benefit of 1 increase. Although this will allow less resists, scaling is an issue here.

    Favour of the Repentant, Contrite Grace, Stinging Penance, Salutary Diatribe -- All bugged. If the damage portion of these spells are resisted one healing charge is used up. This is not how templar reactives work. To test, utilize one of the above spells with a manastone and check resist percentage and see how many tics of reactives occur versus a templar doing the same activity.

    Message Edited by Ssinurn on 07-06-2005 08:52 AM
  2. ARCHIVED-Sebastien Guest

    Dogmatic Healing was also bugged in that it applied its short-lived Haste to the caster instead of the target. I did see a patch note on this spell, though, so I will try it tonight and confirm whether it appears to have been fixed.

    Also, am I correct that I have heard the Ward component of Dauntless is bugged? I have not tried using it much because I remember hearing problems with it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    Dogmatic is supposed to be landing on the target of the cast now instead of the caster, but I need to verify that. Let me know.

    Dauntless I'm not sure of because I do not use anymore.
  4. ARCHIVED-Shailen Guest

    What about the issues with heal/cost on our level 40+ spells. I'm not entirely sure as I'm only 42 and just getting all of these, but when I inspect the new heals as I get them, they almost all use more power and do LESS healing than my level 30 ones? It just doesn't seem right. As it stands I'm using green and grey heals because they are much more efficient than the orange, yellow and white ones.

    There was talk of a spreadsheet listing power use, heal amounts, at each level and for each spell quality (app1, app2, app4, etc). Does someone havea link to this? Perhaps the spell descriptions change enough when you upgrade that I just need to get more adepts, but it still seems strange that an adept 1 thats 10 levels lower than an app4 is still better.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    I'm also waiting for a *good* EQ1 lucy- like spell DB, I think we are a ways off from that. I can certainly take the time to copy down what my spells cost me at their current levels and post (probably after this weekend - I have several adept 3's I'm on the verge of getting), but it would by no means be complete.

    As to your second question, when I get a new spell thats yellow/orange to me it is sometimes less inefficient due to the grey/green/blue spell is an Adept 1 or so, and the new spell is still app1/app2. As you level that ratio changes and if you get an upgrade (Adept 1 or 3) it *should* get better. The problem is because of so many spell levels (app - master) and its all relative to your /con to the spell as well the waters become muddied on whats a "good" spell ratio. Sure once a lower spell has reached its peak its ratio is better, but having to spam a lower heal 2x with all that cast time isn't helpful when the tank actually needs the larger heal.

    To be honest, until a website does some sort of huge spell database where we can all go and look exactly how much power a spell costs at maximum bonus in relation to the caster and all its upgrades - the whole benefit/balance question is harder. That is why I only have numbers for Zealotry for instance -- and I still do not have the power cost for each tier.

    The way SoE implemented this spell system is going to keep the "hard facts" out of reach for a bit. I have seen a few posts in the past from people trying to start up a spell database, but cannot find any at the moment that have a ton of good information.

    Good luck.
  6. ARCHIVED-Valhuru Guest

    I have several Adept 3's below 20.... all the heals, daring and symbol of transal..... I can post some numbers from when I get home.

    However, has anyone else noticed erros on Combat healing and Daring in the description?

    Where is should list the % for the chance effect it says


    /bug'd it
  7. ARCHIVED-Tigsen Guest

    I started gathering this information here in the cleric forum, but only one person contributed. I was focusing just on the numbers for healing spells where people have fully mastered the spell. If people want to post numbers there (ie: level 50 inquisitors) I'll continue putting the information into a spreadsheet and then will post it. I will be out of town all of next week though, so don't think a non-response from me in that thread indicates I'm not following up on it.

  8. ARCHIVED-Baug Guest

    Here's a really annoying one:

    If your heal target gets feared or charmed you can't use reactives on them when it breaks. You get "Target not grouped" messages and have to resort to direct heals until the encounter is done. Ugh.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    Thanks Tigsen, that was the post I was looking for but couldn't find. I will update my Issues list with a link to your post and try and contribute some of that spell info to your post as well sometime next week.
  10. ARCHIVED-scornny Guest

    Howling Haze at Adept I (Mystic level 38)
    • Decrease Attack Speed of target by 15%
    • Decrease Disruption and Subjugation of target by 33
    • Decrease Crushing, Slashing, Piercing and Ranged of target by 26
    Forced Compliance at Adept III (Inquistor level 48.6)
    • Decrease Crushing, Slashing, Piercing and Ranged of target by 8
    Ok, I can understand how theirs should have a slow component and ours shouldn't. But give me a break! Our spell is over 10 levels higher, lacks a slow, lacks a magic debuff AND is over 3x weaker? Not to mention we're from FREEPORT, we're suppose to be debuffers! What the..
    Message Edited by scornny on 03-24-2005 08:25 PM
  11. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    What's funny is due to the AoE nature and aggro component, more would probably get us killed. =) Thanks though I'll add it to scaling issues.
  12. ARCHIVED-Sebastien Guest

    Well it wouldn't be a fair comparison if you are comparing our AoE debuff to one of their main single-target buffs. I guess a better comparison would be Contempt or Depravity? I have never found myself disappointed with our debuff capabilities.. wizards often tell me how noticable my elemental resist debuff is, and I can definitely take the edge off a mob's damage output. More importantly.. I can stifle. Who needs a 15% slow when you can completely silence a mob? *grins*
  13. ARCHIVED-scornny Guest

    Well, Contempt or Depravity wouldn't really serve a purpose in compairing because they're not melee resist debuffs.

    I think it's grossly underpowered. I mean we're talking about a T4 Mystic spell that is over 4 times better debuff wise and has two added (very nice) components than the Inqusitors T5 spell.

    I don't think its alot to ask that a spell that 10 levels higher be at least equal to ONE component of the Mystics T4 spell. Let us at least have it upped from 7 to 26 like the Mystic even tho their level 38 spells will still be better. I don't think that's asking alot.. (some might say not enough) but it would be a start.
    Message Edited by scornny on 03-11-2005 04:12 PM
  14. ARCHIVED-Etayn Guest

    I'm still waiting for the confirmation box on rez.
  15. ARCHIVED-Metran Guest

    Arch healing seems to be "not working as intended" since the 3/11 patch. For the most part I would get its normal recast timer of 9 seconds. That being said, on more than one occasion last night I had to wait 15 minutes before being able to use it again. I wish I could say it happened all the time, tried to duplicate what I did to cause this effect, but I couldn't. Has anyone else experienced this? Or was a freak random occurence on the 3-4 times it happened?
  16. ARCHIVED-dopefish Guest

    Forced Aquiesence (lvl 48) Adept 1, Adept III and Master 1 all have the same effect according to spell text (lowers by 8) The only thing that increases is the manacost.
  17. ARCHIVED-[sp00k] Guest

    This happened to me also... However I was able to discover what the cause was....I see that you are currrently level 45 which means you got your Unholy Adept (pet spell). If you call your pet and cancel it the recast timer on the spell unholy adept starts whichis also linked to Arch Healing...This is very bad considering I still use this spell as a spot heal at level 46 (master I ). So don't use your pet spell if you plan on using arch healing. This is clearly an oversight on SOE's part. needs to be fixed.
  18. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    I assume you meant 48 Forced Compliance and not Acquiesence, updated though.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ishya Guest

  20. ARCHIVED-Ssinurn Guest

    Updating on 3/24 for Imprison and Adept/Arch heal linking.