Inquisitor question inside....

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Quizzy, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Smite Active Member

    Thank you.

    That is exactly what I needed.

    I was trying to reconcile my tooltip on the Stock UI and the reports everyone else was saying as I didn't consider that tooltips were that wrong on a ward that "exists" the moment it applies with all the CB/Pot/AM/etc. built-in on creation.

    I know some of the other UI's display remaining ward amounts allowing a player to judge a ward size at a glance but I don't have that. If the tooltip was accurate, then my previously persistent and incorrect interpretation wouldn't seem so outlandish and strange.
    _ _ _

    AoM Heroics are pretty tough for the ToV crowd so I haven't been in too many multi-Inquisitor groups to chat about the class on my server so this forum was the only place I could show my lack of experience about this one part of the alternate ability tab of this one class.

    It's unfortunate the posters who revived the thread don't show kindness to those who really need it. I've seen some clerics run around that don't choose Divine Guidance because they don't know what it can do and are too timid to ask. I'm a main Heroic Inq (part time Raider) who has been playing for years and even I misunderstood mechanics of parts of the class that I never leveraged previously - Prepared Defenses in this case. Left side was so overpowered to cover for undergeared tanks last year in ToV I just rolled with it.

    Last year VD taught me how to use Redemption and Perseverance of the Divine. This year... I guess we can add Prepared Defenses to the list thanks to your reply.

    It still won't let me ditch a Shaman in Inner Temple until they remove the 50% limit so I don't plan on switching until there is a change. Sometimes tanks need those stoneskins or the Shaman gets lazy and I need something after a Sacrifice band-aid to tide me over till something more substantial can cover the gap. Left side works wonders for times like those or the skullcrusher moments in Sanguine Fountain when tanks are lazy on the DR abilities.
  2. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    Yes. I know. Did I say anything else?

    We've got a player here asking for help cause he isn't able to keep his group alive. Inspecting him shows me that he is reforging a stat out of one item just to reforge the same stat back into another item. Do you know how much sense that makes? Exactly. Zero. He is actually downgrading his armor since you lose out stats due to the conversion.

    Looking further we see that he's concentrating quite a bit on melee dmg stats. That's all good and handy when you are in the position of keeping your group alive. The OP on the other hand can not, that's why he came here and asked for help in the first place. Never said an inquisitor shouldn't dps, but what he definitely should is keeping his group and his tank alive. You cant? Then you go and concentrate on healing, NOT on frigging melee dps. Do you think any of these smartypants in this thread would stay in their group or raid when they couldn't keep the people alive? No they wouldn't and they would make sure to work on that. As soon as YOUR equipment level raises, but also the equipment level of your group and raid mates, you can go for the dps direction. People have more hp, better resists, they will need less heals. Take the time and DPS as much as you want.

    BUT THAT IS NOT THE SITUATION OF THE OP. Uhh I hope this makes it into the bullheads of some people here. Let me repeat it one more time: THE OP CAN NOT KEEP HIS GROUP ALIVE. Got it? Good. Maybe we're a step further now and can acknowledge that the OP is lacking healing power or his group is lacking severe resists or probably both. So stop advising him whatever some people are trying to advice and get real for just two minutes so we can move on.

    I've said 50k was over the top but we're reaching 2000 potency in raids now and I find it hard to believe that you cap out your big heals with 10k ability modifier but whatever, ive went Templar a long time ago so im not accurate on inquisitors numbers. I sure as hell wont be sitting around at 10k ability modifier and most other inquisitors aren't either and I would make sure to follow the right people. This is a friendly hint to the OP again.

    I haven't said a word about diety choices or AA/Prestige abilities, im not up to date on that one. But I surely can make sure the OP picks the right gear choices until he's in the situation of finally turning into a dps healing machine.

    Have a nice day ;)
    Laiina likes this.
  3. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    I do not play a cleric so im probably not much help here but i want to comment on the arguments here. The reason behind these arguments is probably that many healers refuse to do anything else but heal and by doing so the grp loose out of a lot of grpwide dps, every little bit helps. The key is to play the class and get used to it. If you are hesitent and you havent found that "flow" an xtra 10k ability mod is'nt going to help when it gets hairy. Get experienced at the class and figure out ur rotation until u get to the Point where u just press the correct button without even thinking about it, like when u learned how to drive.
    Experience and skills are the major factor here, also tank/grp quality. A tank should Always help out by staying temped when he needs to be, far too many tanks lay blame on the healer but they do very little to help them out.
    When im on the paladin i have a macro that lets the healer know when i hit my temp gap and how long that gap is.

    Another thing, i use Darq UI, its Amazing. It allows u to set up miniscreens for temps and u can Place it where ever u want and it also lets u cure curses by clicking the "Curse" Icon at the side of the players name (who has the curse). So u can cure curses without ever changing target, same goes for regular cures aswell when ur grp cures are down.
    -Soteria- and Mermut like this.
  4. Laiina Well-Known Member

    See, that is why nobody likes rats. They are mean and despicable.
  5. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    All someone had to say?

    From where I stand, you should look inward, not outward.
    Beyoncia made the statement about the ward amount from right side, back on page 1. You made a lot of posts, but I do not recall you asking the direct question of why your perception was far lower than what Beyoncia reported. Even when multiple people confirmed numbers well above your asserted range, you still did not ask the direct question.

    Asking the right questions goes a long way toward getting the help you desire. Beyoncia was trying to help, but I suspect you making countless posts in the manner you did, only served to add to your sense of frustration.
    Tsurupettan likes this.