Inquis Pics

Discussion in 'Inquisitor' started by ARCHIVED-dlsknight, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ghyro Guest

    There you go all pope hats, if i missed one tell me!!

  2. ARCHIVED-qovneob2 Guest

    Currently lvl 65, omw to getting a pope hat and looking even sexier

  3. ARCHIVED-Ghyro Guest

    After alot of struggling I finally completed the full set also as first inquisitor of the server :D
    See how it looks on a female wood elf :)

  4. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Spider Guest

    so far i have my relic and my hooluk poppe hats cant wait to get the rest
  6. ARCHIVED-Nathdorl Guest

    i could either show off my complete blackcoat set, or what im wearing since GU36:

  7. ARCHIVED-Catseyes Guest

    we so look like scouts in this chaplain suit ...the vanguard model of blackcoat in red and dark is the best one for me still...
  8. ARCHIVED-Ghyro Guest

    LOL, i thought that was the most ugliest of all armor we can wear.
  9. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

    Agreed, the blackcoat armour is repulsive >_<
    I LOVE the chaplain's armour though!
    Can't wait for the full set, it's so lovelly :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Catseyes Guest

    you prefer look like a scout than an armored cleric ? Oo Dark and red vanguard armor was more in our style than a silver chain armor with weird funny shoulders imo . Inquisitors are evil, at least colors on armor should be dark and bloody or such , not some light fantasy color tint !
  11. ARCHIVED-ManOnAMission Guest

    OMG...Incredible pics for a few of ya. Real nice visual looks.
    ..and here I was thinking my first chars matched set pwnz

    here it is lil kitty....<stats>
    and the ADORE ME reg attitude from any kitty shot...
    Arrow always point to the most beautiful kitty..RAWRRR!
  12. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

    Catseyes wrote:
    I don't think it looks too scouty personally,
    I think it has a nice clericy look to it.
    Of course opinion's differ from person to person and that's fine.
    The dark red and black was too overdone and seeing it as part
    of my armour was boring.
    Even the Inquis relic armour I thought was much better than the
    Blackcoat armour, but again that's my opinion.
    Just because we're evil doesn't mean we should only have 'dark
    and bloody armour,' that's a terrible stereotype.
    The silver and black has been worn by 'evil' sides and forces as
    silver is a sign of some wealth and is a regal colour, so of course
    evil is going to show off it's superiourity with it.
    I also think those shoulders are the best shoulder graphic the
    game has to offer at the moment :D <3

    Edit: spelling
  13. ARCHIVED-Catseyes Guest

    yes i agree at stereotypes kk . But those spauldrons, have the same graphics than scout ones. Even beautiful , they have more a scoutish design than a vaguard design for a full plate armor. After, it's always a color taste , you dont like dark colors, u want shiney ones, k ) But we arent light classes, we re the dark side ,we should proudly wear the colors of freeport ! i would like the armor of Lucan himself =)
  14. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Like, a washed out sandy color with a dash of red sprinkled over it? ;)
  15. ARCHIVED-graxnip Guest

    give me dirty, mud and blood encrusted, worn armor any day of the week Im not parading around like some qeynosian..
  16. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

    But I'm from Neriak :) I don't want to sport the colours of Freeport. I would be well pleased if I could wear that armour. But we all have different ideas of what the dark side should wear. Just because we're all murky and evil doesn't mean we have to wear dark colours of doom and gloom. But to each their own :)
  17. ARCHIVED-Catseyes Guest

    i want well hand down of colors, but i will stay on the fact that we're supposed to wear Full plate armor , and should have appropriate design. EoF legendary is closest to this design than the fabled set. BTW, neriak was originaly city of dark elves, it was dark and bloody there. you live with them, that's your colors too =p Choose your side ! neriak is evil, not neutral , i wont wear lighties colors ! blood and darkness ftw ! At least, give us real plate armor design , even the samurai armors were looking more plate than this kinda chain one :)
  18. ARCHIVED-Pazu_Greenmist Guest

    Here are 2 pics of my inquisitor. One in blackcoat and one in what I actually use. [IMG][IMG]
  19. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

    Catseyes wrote:
    neriak was not dark and bloody, its was purples and blues.
    I still have screenshots from EQ1's neriak and I don't recall that much blood and gore.
    I think Lodge of the Dead was the only real place that had red in the environment.
    In fact the clerics in the Temple of Neriak wore gold/white and silver/white armour.
    I remember that clearly as my main for four years was a DE cleric before I switched to DE SK for 2.5 years :)
    Anyroad, to each their own really. ^_^

    edit: spelling
  20. ARCHIVED-Laiyo Guest

    Here's my hafling inquisitor, Laiyo. She just hit level 59 and I am trying to figure out what gear I should gather. I like her though! It's really great to see all these images.
