INQ and Defiler ?'s please...

Discussion in 'Priests' started by matack12, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. matack12 Member

    Hello all,

    Just returing to game and trying to get geared up a bit before next xpac. Not buying anything as know xpac is going to bring in a whole new re-gear. So been running the solo instance and have geared up an a few slots with OK stuff.

    My goal on INQ and my Def is to kill the end mob in WE on hard mode to get the 3 chest. How well geared do you need to be ?

    I use a SK merc for both my healers should I change to Temp merc for healing while I tank on INQ?
    What should I use for Defiler?

    My INQ Stats -
    CC 307
    CB 213
    POTENCY 199
    MA 306

    MY Deflier -
    CC 331
    CB 242
    POTENCY 216
    MA 245

    Thanks for any input and could be just that am rusty but have read the strats on the fight and just can't finish em off. Will try to burn through the red Heal fragments next time as been farming them from Dreadcutter solo.

    One more ? does solo Dreadcutter ever drop fabe gear? Have ran like 30x and not one fable drop.

  2. Menko Member

    solo dreadcutter does drop fabled gear. its where most of my red slot solo drops have come from. also, i got a mage ethereal belt out of there awhile back.

    idk if i needed to change something but my most recent memory of doing that guy hm, the red damage fragments did not work on him. i may have just needed to re pop them into my hot bar due to a change idk for sure.
    having said all that, i really do not think your stats are good enough to take him hm. i use to do it with a mystic that has a mix of pow/coe raid gear and few other achievement goodies, and it was still slightly a challenge.
    i always used the inq merc, either stamper of the ss archon if i had the control wand on that particular toon. the inq's are the only ones i trust to cure worth a darn.
  3. Kari Well-Known Member

    I agree your stats seem a bit low. One thing you can do that will easily raise your dps on both characters is to reforge some of your spell weapon dps and spell weapon MA into regular MA. Try to get MA up to 600. Get into the habit of meleeing the mob, the defiler will proc some tribal rage wards on the melee attacks and I believe that inq also has some heals fire that way.

    Other stats you can reforge into MA (if no spell weapon stat is available to reforge) would be dps/haste if they are over 200, and cast speed/reuse if they are over 100.

    For defiler I favor potency over crit bonus because wards receive the full benefit of potency but only half the benefit of crit bonus. Its still good to keep them close to even but in general potency should be higher than the crit bonus.

    I use Captain Bloodstain with my defiler. I have heard good things about the pally holding aggro, but I haven't tried him.
  4. Snoops Member

    Use a merc that can cure of your choice for defiler. When I was defiler, 90% of the things I couldn't solo were due to not being able to cure myself. You don't need terribly good gear but reforge some melee stats so it doesn't take 10 years to burn him down. When you pull him stagger maelstrom and your myth clicky so you have hp regen when you can't cast. All the tank mercs go down like a sack and they do hardly any damage it seems. None of them could hold aggro off me to the point where I wouldn't have to hold back mystic or defiler.
  5. Dethrayzin Active Member

    I did this fight with Captain Bloodstain, and that useless piece of excrement turned around and did absolutely nothing the entire fight. I want to try the pally too, The only reason I ever want a merc is for it to take the aggro off of me. If it can't do that then it is useless.
    Kalika likes this.
  6. Kalika Well-Known Member

    The only usefull tank mercenqries are paladins due to Amend, jannis is better than the captain even with his 150 Crit chance (captain have 300).

    Stamper is the best mercenary, he cures and bring good bufs.

    The challenge mode you want to do is a cure feast.

    The only way to win is to get ride of the stun/stiffles
    either with mass curing, or dragging the snakes away fro, the curer; or killing the snakes fast.

    I did it when i was 93 with a BL with only 150 of dps , he took the snakes away and burned them and i tanked the boss
    while curing and healing.

    Your gear is not good enough to make this mob easy may be try with a relic
    but i m not sure if snakes stun or stiffle. The relic last 1.30 mn.

    Try also with another player first.