In Search of Lucan

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Xalmat, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Have we ever not fallen for it? Really, Claymore, we where nothing but a Distraction so the Order of Marr could swap out swords, similar things happened with Soulfire, Prismatic we where pawns of both Naggy(to remove the one prismatic egg not under his control), and Darathar(so he can steal the egg), Really other then with the Epic Weopon quests, I think we are always someone's pawn and atleast half the time if not more make matters worst... the Frostfell egg comes to mind.
    Oh, as for the devs saying they would never do epic weopons, while I know it was not your point, the general dev answer to are there going to be epic weopons(prior to RoK going into development) was No there won't be because we don't have enough time to do them right. With the longer expainsion cycle that started with EoF they suddenly did, but barly, so they did them. That said I really doupt the Mythical Epic weopons we have really plays into the Void/End of Days story.
    Lastly, the devs also said this is the end of the VOID stories but not the end of the major story arc, more like the middle of it. And baised on the SPOILERS above I would say that most definatly is true, and it may also explain why they choice NOT to go to Velious with this one...If we are going to be battling Kelefrym it definatly should be on Velious.
  2. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    So wait... We just made the most POWERFUL non-god entity on Norrath even MORE powerful? Wonderful...

    Also, even in some of the epic weapons you're a pawn for a bit (SK comes to mind, where Lhranc sends you on an errand or two to break his prison (again... He did the same thing in EQ1) and attacks you at the end of his part (again, same thing from EQ1. At least he's predictable).

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cower in fear of a Kerafyrm with the powers of Enoxus and Aeteok...
  3. ARCHIVED-SageGaspar Guest

    He does during the fight say something to the effect of "You wimps! If you just kill me on easy I'll be back again in a couple days!" I hold out a dim hope that we might get a more satisfying conclusion upon "permanently" defeating him in hard mode, though this is more wishful thinking than anything I actually expect.
  4. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    SageGaspar wrote:
    The thing is this is not the end of the story, it is at best the middle, how satifing was the "end" of Empire? Now I am not saying the true end will be satifing, I am just saying that this is not the end of the major story, yet. Just the Void's involvment in it.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    SageGaspar wrote:
    There are difficulty modes? -_-
  6. ARCHIVED-SageGaspar Guest

    There have been difficulty modes on raids since last expansion, depending on what you do or don't do during the fight it can trigger a harder fight which drops better loot.
    And you can have a cliffhanger without just stopping the story abruptly with a couple lines of dialogue, if Kerafyrm chopped off my character's hand or told Lucan he was his daddy that'd be one thing. This just ends. The questgivers still talk to you like you haven't killed Theer at all. We'll have to see when someone finally gets his hard difficulty if something changes.
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Oh right, that concept they introduced with Miragul's Shard. I thought you ment Easy, Hard, Very Hard like the Palace from DoF.
  8. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Isn't the difference between Easy and Hard Theer something like you fight One aspect (Enoxus or Aeteok) for Easy Mode and BOTH for Hard? (at least that's what I was told, me no raid, me probably never see Theer Hard Mode.)
  9. ARCHIVED-Rezikai Guest

    kela wrote:
    Agreed. But i hope they dont allow Lucan to return to Freeport with open arms and let him regain control easily. Factions of the Dreadnaughts and the Thexians hold parts of Freeport and the Neriak alliance is sure to test his political strength. Honestly he should come back and face the music having to stand side by side with the commoners and try to retake the city. Heck he's used to only controlling 1/2 of Freeport anyways :p
  10. ARCHIVED-SageGaspar Guest

    Dranikos@Butcherblock wrote:
    I honestly dunno having not tried "hardmode", basically he has runes that represent the power of four forgotten gods that he presumably killed and you can choose to give him the power of one, two, three or four of them, each one making him more difficult. The trophy for killing him easymode was a statue of Enoxus, I presume the hard mode trophy is Aeteok.
  11. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Makes a bit of sence as he is the last mob in a storyline, and they did resontly add in the ablity to defeat mobs at differant dificulties.
  12. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    Kerafyrm is a Dragon. Dragon's like to polymorph, this is why we often see Dragons in humanoid form. But regardless of his fire demon form, he's still a Dragon. How in the world is a Dragon going to use 2 swords? Maybe he'll wear them as earrings or something.
    And besides, they are both T7 weapons, I hope he's not gonna try and kill anyone with them.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Crabbok@Befallen wrote:
    If you read the thread, Kerafyrm used the same ritual we used to absorb the demigod empowered epic weaponsto absorb the soulfire and claymore powers. He doesnt need to use the swords they are pretty much just regular weapons now. He is buffed up with their powers. AKA he is now a dragon with the ability to permanantly kill the Gods. In others words watch the F*** out Veeshan, the sleeper is coming.
  14. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Crabbok@Befallen wrote:
    You forget that those T7 weapons are mere REPLICAS, not the real Enoxus and Aeteok. (We're told by the Order of Marr that the Claymore we get is a replica, and Lucan himself tells us that of Soulfire, which makes sense, Lucan was NOT about to just give up his weapon).
    The REAL weapons are going back where they belong (Lucan and Antonia) but now Kerafyrm has absorbed their powers in full, in other words, Kerafyrm has all the powers of Theer on top of his own massive powers. (Kerafyrm is EASILY one of the 3 strongest non-god beings on Norrath. Now that he has the powers of Theer's Swords, easily THE strongest.)
  15. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    3 strongest non-god beings?
    Kerafyrm, Mayong and ???? miragul?(no where near the same league)
  16. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Miragul is practically a demigod at this point. The Erudites of Paineel fear him, as he can obliterate an entire continent with a mere thought if he wished. Not to mention Miragul now has his own Planar Shard to call his own.
  17. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Gungo wrote:
    I wouldn't be sure about not even close, since one of the NPCs mentions Miragul could destroy all of Odus. but Dartain / Al'Kabor was who I was thinking of for #3.
  18. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    well most people also think that Al'Kabor is dead and gone too, there's even a monument to him at the mausoleum of scholars, and don't know that Dartain and Al'Kabor are the same person/ combined together somehow. Miragul is the most powerful mage that they know for SURE still 'lives'.
    I'd put Miragul and Al'Kabor prolly pretty close to eachother in raw power. and even then, the one guy that mentions it only does so after we say we stole his notes...claiming that miragul could destroy odus and that inciting his ire would not be a good thing...before saying his next envoy would take the notes adn put them back. I seriously doubt Miragul has that kind of power...not to mention he's trapped in his Shard. there's been no sign ever of him leaving his 'Planar Shard' himself at all.
    I'd call the talk of Miragul as more akin to 'Hero worship'. I bet if you could ask a Deepwater Knight about any mage they know of that would be able to destroy Odus if you pissed them off, they'd say Al'Kabor without hesitation...if they knew Al'Kabor was still alive.
  19. ARCHIVED-Garnaf Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    THIS is why I said Dartain / Al'Kabor. We know for a fact that Dartain can act freely.
  20. ARCHIVED-timetravelling Guest

    SageGaspar wrote: