[IMPORTANT]Remove exp bonus in DoF

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by nanorre, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. nanorre New Member

    Hello all , I returned to the game for a month and finally chose FG to play on. I was playing on SH before and I think it's still a instersting game to play even now. But recently, when I hit 35 I realized that you can basically grind DoF zones and level up to 60s even in one day... Man , what's the point of this exp bonus? It makes everyone keeps farming these trash mobs , which implily largely reduce the fun of this game. It just makes leveling up became a boring thing instead of doing insteresting dungeons, quests. When you hit 35 all you want to do is farming those trash lol... Is this all what DBG want us to do? What are those RE , CT etc dungeons made for? You can barely see a group doing it. You don't even need to gear up in 35 - 55 honestly. All the those gears are on the broker and no one want it. For good the game , I suggest to close up exp bonus of DoF.
    Simparri likes this.
  2. Tominator Member

    Is there exp bonus in DoF? I didn't realize. But that would explain why most head there around level 35. I've recently returned myself, but I'm more interested in the nostalgia of the leveling experience I remember which includes Zek, DFC, Everfrost/Permafrost, Feerrott, Obelisk, & Temple of Cazic Thule. Unfortunately not many others share that sentiment which makes it near impossible to get groups for that content.

    Admittedly, there is some level overlap between these other zones & early DoF. It's pretty clear most prefer DoF. there may be a slight shift when Butcher Block Mountains are available. Players will go where the groups are. Broadcast for the content you want to play and you might just get lucky!
  3. nanorre New Member

    Yup. Obviously, there is exp bonus in DoF zones. I'm more worrying about when EoF is launched , I mean who is gonna do those lower EoF level dungeons since you can get to 60s in one day DoF , it's still gonna be hard to find group for doing EoF zones.
  4. Lenarr Member

    Nerf DoF and it's pretty much the death of leveling alts for a lot of us I'd think, unless EoF xp is a lot better than KoS was. I do hope EoF has decent xp, as I always enjoyed leveling alts in EoF. I leveled my main toon in KoS, and it was a definite challenge. Frankly, if I couldn't have done serious level grinding in DoF I wouldn't have even bothered leveling my alts.

    If you're worried that people won't do EoF dungeons, that's not something to worry about really. EoF dungeons typically have good gear than people want to farm, and they're fun imho.
    Cheallaigh likes this.
  5. Madar New Member

    Is DoF = Desert of Flames? Is it really possible to hunt there at 35?
  6. Harmonized Member

    I suggest that you shut your mouth ;-) If you do not want to (easy) grind from 35 to max in one day, don't. Enjoy the slow level questing. I for one, along with MANY others that have multiple accounts and lots of alts, need this added XP. Pre and post DoF, XP sucks!! So if DB nerfs DoF, like you "suggest", you can bet it will be an alt-killer and a lot of people will quit TLE. Once RoK unlocks, good luck on catching up if you make a new alt. It will take you weeks of slow grinding (unless you spend a ton of real money on bonus XP pots).
    Juraiya, Cheallaigh and Petunia like this.
  7. Harmonized Member

    Yes. Go to Onerock at 35 to 55. Then hit AT, CM, and PP over and over to 70. Can easily be done in one day, or over a weekend.
  8. nanorre New Member

    Right , someone like you should shut up. Or maybe one day they can give all class with all 70 for everyone of you that's better huh? Yeah , let's see how many people is gonna play this game then. But I would say that's really the end game and all is your bad.
    Simparri likes this.
  9. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    The XP bonus currently in DoF zones are entirely on purpose. Caith added a new XP bonus setup to Fallen Gate so that each time a new expansion unlocks, the previous expansion zone will have a new XP multiplier.

    So when EoF launches, KoS zones will recieve the bonus instead of DoF.

    So why did they do that? They did it to prevent what happen on Stormhold. There was no influx of new players at max level and no one would be leveling alts because the XP table would be out of whack.
    Cheallaigh likes this.
  10. Caul Shivers Active Member

    I don't get it. XP is dire as it is, its an absolute chore to level.

    DoF spots are the only bright spots where the XP is decent, if not great.

    If you don't wanna go there to level, don't.
    But why would you want it taken away from the rest of us?
  11. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    so your saying this "Onerock" zone is agnostic? Sorry, I don't understand how the mobs would stay within your range all the way from 35 to 55 if they aren't? Ive been on a live server and am trying to figure some things out here on FG.
  12. Zenji Well-Known Member

    The mobs there are red until 37- so you got quite a few levels of mob scaling to level with. I just recently leveled up another character last week and tried several places. Your best leveling, is Onerock 35 to 52, Goblins in PoF until 60, then PoF instances to 65. From 65-70, buy a XP pot and go mentor around level 40 at Onerock. I swear Onerock mentored with a XP pot is better than anywhere else at 65+.
    Skadad and ConcealFate like this.
  13. geterdone Member

    I don't think many people are playing sh to grind the t4 and t5 zones right now or this post wouldn't exist. We're t7 now, sorry you missed the boat on vanilla. I would say a possible solution would be to match the xp in other lower tier zones to that in dof. But I just want to catch up to everyone at end game right now so let's not ruin the 1 good thing we have just yet
    Cheallaigh and Petunia like this.
  14. Loresinger Active Member

    And this was added based on a lot of feedback from when the server was announced and when it was in beta. It may not seem super important not when we're only, what, two expansions in... but when we're four, five, six expansions in? It gets harder and harder for new people to feel like they can 'catch up,' and that was one of the problems SH had. You want to keep bringing in new people to help keep the population alive, and this helps with that. You might feel the bonus needs to be adjusted (no plans to grind there myself, so I have no idea what they are like right now), but I don't think getting rid of the bonus completely is the way to go at all. There are still people leveling in the old dungeons if that's what you want to do.
    Cheallaigh likes this.
  15. Springelf Active Member

    Take away One Rock this server will slow down to a crawl. Only reason I have seen new people (actual new ppl) is because they are able to catch up. XP was terrible at the start of the server, and they also broke XP a few times and didnt fix it right away.
    Cheallaigh likes this.
  16. Tominator Member

    That's interesting to know about the DoF xp bonus. I was in a Clefts group yesterday and the xp did come really quick.

    Still haven't tried One Rock, but if it's anything like PoF gobbys I'll avoid it - I didn't like the running around pulling everything grind play style. People were running in different directions pulling everything in site lol I prefer the trinity dynamic where tank pulls etc
    Cheallaigh likes this.
  17. Kcool005 Active Member

    The issue is more so KoS zones are crap exp... id prefer them boosted vs old stuff changed.
    Simparri likes this.
  18. Atan Well-Known Member

    So, here's the deal with OneRock...

    They are tagged as heroic and they are mostly encounter mobs. Encounters give more xp than single heroics due to how encounter bonus xp works. The last thing about these mobs is they have solo level HP even though the are tagged as heroic.

    Net result, they give more xp than ^^^'s in clefts but die in 10% the time.

    Does DoF have better xp mod than other areas? Yes its configured that way.

    Are these bugged mobs that give heroic xp rates with solo dificulty? Also Yes.

    Should it be fixed? I hope the hell not, as it makes leveling alts pallet-able verses a chore I would otherwise not do.
  19. Atan Well-Known Member

    This is also very true. Its just dumb doing DoF to 70 cause of the difference in XP rates. And it is XP rates are different as well as the mobs take longer to kill.
  20. Tominator Member

    I don't doubt that at all - it explains why so many players flock to it. Still, leveling there from 35-52, then Gobby's 52-60, then back to One Rock with xp potion would drive me mad. I couldn't stand 20 mins of gobbys yesterday & I get the impression One Rock is the same.

    I'm not in any hurry to get to end game. I'd rather play the content I remember and enjoy even if that means it takes longer. I may feel different after I've done the 'old' content a few times, but I guess you could say the same about One Rock. You just wouldn't suffer as long :)
    Simparri likes this.