[IMG HEAVY] Renegade's Guild Hall, NFP (Mistmoore)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-evohan, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-evohan Guest

    The bank
    Our poor broker, surrounded by plushies
    The horse pen
    Tinkerer's house
    Chemist's corner
    Carpenter's cabin
    Sage's gazebo
    Tailor's corner
    Provisioner's restaurant
    The mender, the forge and VS
    Druid ring
    The bar
    The arena
    The basement
    The dojo
    The library
    Thanks for looking, feel free to visit anytime
  2. ARCHIVED-Caballera Guest

    I just love what you did with the crafting stations! Very nice. Say what did you use for the fencing around your horses? Is that something new? Thanks for sharing with us.
  3. ARCHIVED-evohan Guest

    The fencing is made of maple high backed chairs, shamelessly stolen from Goldinrae who shared it here http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...topic_id=456520
    Btw I'd like to thank all the people who inspired me, won't make a list cause I've been following these forums for a long long time and there are many, but thank you all !!
  4. ARCHIVED-Goldinrae Guest

    Hey your horse pen looks great hehe. I got such a thrill out of spotting that in your pics :)
    I really like your arena, it's fantastic. And that library! Wow, I can't imagine placing all those books....
    Excellent work all round.
  5. ARCHIVED-Guildie Guest

    Great idea and work! I love having each crafting with their own themed area! Very creative! Very Well Done!
  6. ARCHIVED-AnjelikaR Guest

    Absolutely love the crafting areas. Well done.
  7. ARCHIVED-Zindicatt Guest

    It's very very cool!! I love it!
  8. ARCHIVED-Mistal Guest

    Oh I am loving what you have done here .. very lovely indeed .. very regal and everything a grand hall should be :)
    Mistal x
  9. ARCHIVED-beladi Guest

    Lovely, really lovely. I like how you pushed the dividers into the wall, to make something quite different.