Illusionist (Xelgad please)

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Axzsif, May 11, 2013.

  1. Axzsif Member

    Okay I am sure this has been beaten to death over and over. However, Time warp reset broken >.<

    I mean I understand people were upset about having to cast to many temp buffs. Like I get it, however I would rather cast DR again then take this nerf you gave us. YES it is a nerf. We had the time warp reset the way it was for nearly a year. Now, you took it down to nearly a nothing reset. Its not 15% its worse. I get one roughly once an hour in raid. PLEASE fix this. At least give it an increase in proc chance, I get that it procing 80ish percent of the time was not as intended. However this really bad reset chance is just an insult to the community.

    If your not gonna fix at least make our pet immune to AoE's entirely because they still die to simple AoE's.
  2. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I was wondering why TW wasn't resetting like I expected. I had it down so I got 2 almost every time it was up, near 100%.

    My pet dies when the mob coughs or spits. My potion should cure him, and my ae immunity should cover him as well.
  3. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    What about your Cure magic? It does cure my pet if it's withing a range. Cure magic should cure now everything including trauma.
  4. Maergoth Well-Known Member

    Calling out devs in the thread topic is frowned upon, generally speaking.

    Going to Fanfaire, bugging the hell out of them, then coming back and filling up their inbox is the recommended course of action.
    Larsenex likes this.
  5. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    That isn't really an answer, since now I need to cure myself and then cure the pet.
  6. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Cure ur pet first then yourself with a pot. Could this work?
    But it is true you cannot cure yourself and your pet with the same pot (the one click of a spell),
    The pet is not an extention of your body. It's an other body.
  7. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Since we share all stats I think that point could be argued.
  8. Axzsif Member

    Lols that is pretty awesome, and I hate to call them out like that but seriously it was stupid. WHY nerf things like this it makes NO sense.

    No curing your pet on a one shot doesnt help thanks for trying.
  9. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that illys are quitting at an alarming rate and it's causing roster nightmares for raid forces. I played my illy for the first time in months today and his DPS wasn't that bad, but then again I'm a scrub with bad gear so maybe the effects are being felt more at the high end.
  10. Axzsif Member

    Illies arent quitting because their dps is terrible. They are quitting because irresponsible devs tried to; condense our temp buff line but in doing so nerf our time warp resets pretty bad, increase our pets dps after taking away its ability to proc damage yet didn't fix it get wtf owned all the time, and all the while not focusing on the actual problems of the class. So basically they insisted on making the class worse instead of better.
  11. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    Either way it's taking its toll.
  12. Luzionist Active Member

    I would think that the time warp glitch was unintended and that they believed that the changes that they gave us would compensate for the loss of the time warp reset. I think that the best thing that could happen right now is extend duration of time warp or give an aa that does it and up the chances of the reset.
  13. Davngr Well-Known Member

    you guys must not have been paying attention to beta forums. in a warden thread this issue was addressed and in fact the nerf to time warp reset was intentional. zerks were also hit by this nerf as well as guardians and a few other classes i can't remember, essentially any reset that involved a group buff/ability was resetting too often and that was fixed so it only has one trigger chance to reset instead of 6 or whatever number or targets are hit iirc.