Illusionist spells dropping like candy in Nektulos, yet very few coercer.

Discussion in 'Coercer' started by ARCHIVED-Taelnayael, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Taelnayael Guest

    I have been getting tons of Illusionist adept drops in Nektulos, but very very very few coercer (maybe a 6 to 1 ratio). Now its not game breaking, and I put stuff up for sale on the broker just the same, but I would think the ratio would be reversed, at least until we start getting into the 30's.

    What are your experiences with drop rates for coercer adepts in FG and Nek?
  2. ARCHIVED-Tanatus Guest

    Lol I was just about to wright topic about it but you surpass me on that....
    So far I have fought at 3 tier 3 zones and here is my expirience with them (book wise)
    Nektulos - drop low end of 20s goodie+neutral books (low end mean lvl 20-26)
    Edge Water Drains (bane of enchanters lol should I say so?) - drop high end of 20s goodie + neutrals books (which is sucks for both side)
    Thunderous Steppers - drop low end of 20s evil + neutral books
    This one of the reason why all evils hunting in TS other reason is loot (far far far superior over Nek - every none agro low blue freaking con bird (hawk) here and where drop 22sp worth sellable to NPC loot **ZOMG**? - those birds easy soloable by any enchanter at lvl 20 if not early) and last reason abudance tier 3 resourses compare to Nektulos
    I am perfectly undestand that SOE trying to promote communication of evil and good parts at via trade but doing goodie drops exlucisevly at evil lands and evil books at goodies land kinda overkill