Illusionist Pet

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Pogball, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Pogball Guest

    So i have this pet - when i am raiding it sometimes dies to one shot ae's, sometimes it doesnt get touched at all. Other times it wont attack eg Thet pops. I cant heal it, it takes ages to cast and I get sick of it looking like me.
    All in all its getting pretty frustrating. I know i'm not a 'real' pet class supposedly but I'd at least like some consistency and at least an ability to cast one of my illusions just for a nice change.
  2. ARCHIVED-Rolande' Guest

    Think of it as an added proc or Dot... even extra stun/root when soloing etc... its better than nothing.

    Also, if you get sick of it looking like you then there is a work around. All you have to do is cast a group illusion and turn off illusions... even the pet shrink makes it not look exactly like you since it is much smaller.
  3. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    well if your pet is buffed he can knock out 500 or so DPS, which, if your doing 5k DPS, is 10 percent of your total damage... so i would say its worth the 10 second cast... which is really not that long if you cast a few of your other buffs first, and then your on the 3rd or 4th step of perpetuatlity and... and if you wanted to, you can put 5 AA's into halving the pet cast time, so with perpetuality, casting speed buffs from gear and AA's you can knock your cast time to nearly 3 seconds....
  4. ARCHIVED-Pogball Guest

    I know all this. I guess i'm just sick of him looking like me really and his somewhat irratic behaviour.
  5. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    Pogball wrote:
    hmm, well then the answer is in this post already... Do a group gnoll / human / half elf illusion and then hide your own illusion and then shrink the pet, then you will have a small rat running around with you or a "mini-me" human form of you instead... and if you feel like it, call him to you and tell him to stay and then start attacking, he will be invisible to you but still do some damage... or just get over it, lol
  6. ARCHIVED-kxizm Guest

    Pogball wrote:
    The only erratic behaviour i can think of is his choice of spells. The pet likes to cast CC spells (root/stuns) which are less than helpful on any fight pretty much except soloing. I kinda wish there were some way to tell it what spells to cast/not cast. If thats not what ur talkin about, what do you mean by erratic behavior?
    One thing i did for a long time to make my pet look different than i did was change my gear before casting the pet spell and then changing back right after to my regular gear. You can equip the gear once you start casting the spell even, so it gave me something to do during the long cast lol. it looked pretty good too. I think it was T5 or T6 mastercrafted and handcrafted robes are inverted black/white from each other. the matching helmets were opposite too. so my pets appearance was inverted from mine. it looked pretty cool.
  7. ARCHIVED-vinere Guest

    I normally run an illusoin all the time on myself.... then the pet never looks like you ~_~
  8. ARCHIVED-Gipper Guest

    My pet likes to send the chains when we don't wanna root, hehe. I guess I am vain, I love looking at a mini me running around.
  9. ARCHIVED-kxizm Guest

    Gipper@Mistmoore wrote:
    its proven fact that the only time the pet roots is when you pull a mob from 300 m by sending ur pet.
  10. ARCHIVED-jeremyhwilson Guest

    Would be real awesome if you had under pet options to view your pets spells and abilities and even set a casting rotation for them (could have same for summoners). Some might think it would be a little overpowering, but then you would atleast know what your pet has for spells and can even set it up to work most efficiently for your situation (solo/group/raid).
    *Edit: Corrected some typo's.*
  11. ARCHIVED-Taitea Guest

    Hey, I'd already be happy if she wouldn't cast level 1 spells...
    And when I'm sick of "her" looking like me, I do the "dress-up-different" thing and turn her male so I can flirt with myself.... that's always fun....
    And I definitely second the quest for more detailed ways to influence a pet's behaviour.
    By the way... recently I did some dummies, and I found out that she deals melee damage when I set her on "ranged"?? Does anyone have some further infos on why/how/when she melees if you set her on ranged? (yes, yes, might be a bit noobish, but I never really observed that before)
  12. ARCHIVED-AerieHeart Guest

    Here is something I always wondered and never found a way to fix: Is it possible to cancel the pet's maintained spells (like his root :p) ? If so how ?
  13. ARCHIVED-MrCartoon69 Guest

  14. ARCHIVED-Kimberleigh Guest

    The pet doesn't attack the Thet adds because it doesn't have the curse. Simple enough. I leave my pet on Thet - from a distance - and go kill the adds myself.
    As for it lookin at you .. I dunno what to tell you about that one.
    My pet does decent damage - not great damage but decent. I can definitely tell if she's died during a fight because my parse is lower. Is your pet mastered?
  15. ARCHIVED-AerieHeart Guest

    Shami@Nagafen wrote:
    Yes it's what I do usually :)
    A typical case is this fight with the 3 named in Crucible where you have to bring them to a special spot once they hit 50% HP. Everytime the pet roots them ... So now I just cancel the pet before we pull lol.