Identifying mobs that eat the 1st attack (?)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragonsnacks, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    I noticed there are a few named mobs in various zones that only take minimum damage from big attacks (ascension, snipershot etc) You have to use auto attack then the big attack or the big attack only does like 1% dmg. Is there anyway to identify these mobs? Like if I use detect weakness on mobs I can see if they have STR or INT meaning melee or caster. Is there a way to identify named mobs that eat initial attacks?
  2. Kielex Well-Known Member

    Experienced this in Dreadscale Maw raid zone, had me frustrated until I figured it out :(
  3. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Usually this is due to a protection spell of some sort. You should be able to see it by looking at the mobs buffs in the target window.
  4. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    Is there a list someone is maintaining regarding what these buffs are? Like "don't oneshot me bruh" or "owie dps hurts me soul" buffs? Sad mechanic is sad.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I'd imagine there is no way we'd even be able to see it, and its more likely code that requires the mob to be engaged before it'll take a really large hit.
  6. Zelox Active Member

    can you give an example of some of these various mobs
  7. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Try mousing over the buffs. It will usually tell you what it is via tooltip. I'm presuming it's some sort of stoneskin, but not sure.
  8. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    The final boss in the adv solo in arcane spire. also there was a raid mob in the Temple of Veeshan zone the final raid zone the first mob, he has a script so we where trying to one shot it with no success with ascensions and sniper shot then I accidentally hit auto attack and it died. ToT heroics have the same issue but not as bad.

    Next time you are soloing and run into a name that you can't one shot, hit auto attack first then your ascension, you will see the difference of a lot of them
    santargria and Zeddicious like this.
  9. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    Arcane spire advanced solo is similar to the heroic where if you have to dispel her to hit her hard. Here you can actually see the effect, because she shrinks when dispelled and grows when she needs to be dispelled again. However, it's interesting that some of these mechanics also seem to work when autoattack fires off first.
  10. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    makes ya wonder if that measly 6.7 combat mit debuff makes *that* much of a difference from the greenmist proc.... lol
  11. Zelox Active Member

    lol this thread.
  12. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    you mean mobs that have wards on them?
  13. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    I'd imagine the easiest way to determine if a particular mob absorbs the first hit would simply be to hit it and see what happens.
  14. Feldon Well-Known Member

    When you are trying to solo stuff, you load up your nuke, and it does squat...
    Meneltel likes this.
  15. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    If you're pulling a mob you've never killed before, I'd probably not open up with my biggest hit right out of the gate. That's often how stupid crap happens.
  16. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    If only some bosses would have Spell or CA Reflection and any attack on them is reflected back on the caster (unless you are the tank)... we would see how many DPS cant wait for a few moments for the tank to get proper agro!
  17. Nelie Well-Known Member

    Trust a healer...this doesn't teach dps >>ANYTHING<<. If there was absolutely one zone I hated solo healing back in the day, it would hands down be Fabled Zek. Every single pull outside the castle where the group of orcs are, they had this mechanic. Every single pull, all my rezzes would be down because dps would go crazy blasting away and insta killing themselves.
  18. Atan Well-Known Member

    Isn't this as simple as adding turning auto attack on to your ability macro? Doesn't auto always land before the ability in this regard?

    I mean I've been a way a long time, but this seems pretty simple to work around.
  19. Dragonsnacks Active Member

    Some mobs are scripted so you try to 1 shot them before the script kicks in. like the 2nd mob in Spire adv solo the armor dude
  20. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    Wow, you need to get smarter DPS, or they wouldn't have lasted at all in old EQ1 pre-SoL days when you had only warriors for tanks and they only had Taunt to regain agro with! Or sitting down...