Idea to increase desire to run heroic content

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Atan, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Atan Well-Known Member

    I want to propose a very simple idea to make heroic content a bit more rewarding and worthwhile to play in CoE.

    Take the Phylacteries from ST and place them on the rest of the CoE dungeons.

    Its a sad thing that currently the absolute best gear you can obtain from doing dungeons comes from a level 92 dungeon that isn't hard to solo or at the most duo the first few named.

    What we're doing now instead of doing CoE dungeons is finding a partner and duoing ST on one pair of alts, swapping to the next set of alts, then the next, then the next, then resetting the first and rinse and repeat all day long. It's extremely boring but the rewards from CoE heroic zones don't hold a candle to the new enhanced prime tradeskill recipes.

    I personally feel the best rewards from heroic content should be from doing the current tier/release dungeons, and for it to not be that was is pretty 'broken' in my book.

    Then again, I always said it was a bad idea to put prime drops in a heroic zone in the first place, but since that cat's out of the bag, at least as good items need to be obtainable from current tier, if not better. They way I see it, make the current heroic bosses drop prime phylactories, HM drop 2, regular nameds be random. Either that or actually add some gear to CoE dungeons that can rival what can be pulled out of ST.

    Le Clown and Kalderon like this.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    Atan at this point they would have to rebalance from 160-210 all levels of gear ranging from Solo to HM-Raid. Given that Visoinary-Refined MasterCraftFabled Prime-Crafts are 196/196 and on average better than PoW drops, it is more a sign that PoW is old news despite really being still some of the best stuff.

    Given SS Faction is near 160-170 range then CoE-Solo should fall in here.
    CoE-Heroic should fill the 170-180 bracket
    CoE-EM should fill the 180-196 bracket (thus on par with PoW sadly)
    CoE-HM/PoW should fit that 196-205.
    Avatars fit that 205-215 bracket.

    That is what they ahve now (mostly speaking) but SS-Prime Gear is already at PoW and much easier to get so without nerfing Prime-Gear or upping ALL content from CoE-Solo up at this point they can't fix it. As you said the cat is out of the bad and the itemization stinkbomb has been detonated.

    SS/CoE is almost the same stuff and Heroic-CoE doesn't even have a Guarenteed Obol drop like well... every expansion since TSO has. Nor does it have a Quest for them. I could totally see Steward gear costing one Essence and 50-100 Obol if we just had Daily/Dominence Quests for Obol. Heroic-CoE feels like an emaciated horse feebly looking for grass. I have yet to see one Wurmbones Crag group in public channels the same goes for Chelsith: Ancient Vault.

    At best they need to move Phylactries to CoE because atm nothing has really changed especially for high-end raiders who maybe got 4ish pieces form HM-CoE if they have yet to drop 4 soul well or Amalgamon/Bastion.
  3. Regolas Well-Known Member

    I agree kinda, but you will be in the minority who decide the best thing to do is duo ST for mats.

    I expect only raiders would be able to do it. I know my heeoic geared toons couldn't.

    It is, however, just one of a number of oversights by the devs when it comes to itemization.

    Sticking the fabled solo drops in the heroic loot table would go a long way to making heroic content more viable. Maybe not to you as you generally have better from raids, but to Joe Public like me it would.
  4. Balbasur Active Member

    Make it so you can trade essences for adorns, and obols for essences, this will help grouping.
  5. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Or just raise the drop rate of essences and obols. There´s one raidini where the obols drop like hell, where as in heroic and other raidinstance, there are very few of them. (Beside of, get them gone in raid anyhow ^^)
  6. Mohee Active Member

    I haven't seen ANY fabled loot out of the new CoE heroics, except from HM bosses and Drinal (the mount).

    But I've got like 50 pieces of 179 fabled armor w/ red & yellow adorn slots from solo zones! Wooooooot!

    Intended? or is it just bad luck? Because we've ran through all the new dungeons at least 50-75 times since release and no exquisite chests from non HM named. Has anyone else seen a fabled drop from non HM heroic bosses?
  7. Gaealiege Active Member

    Or they could actually put worthwhile fabled gear and 100% of the ethereals in heroics at a higher drop rate than solo.

    That would make me run heroics.
  8. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    *thinks a bit* yeah o well, i do have seen them, not that rare, well whats in it.... no need to discuss, didnt bothered realy. But yes, there are almost no fab chest from heroic at all.... 1 chest in a whole dungeon (if you are lucky), isnt that big time.
    But than again, i do those dungeons more just for fun, not for the gear or obol it may drop :eek:
  9. Seiffil Active Member

    Most fabled chests I've seen from heroic are the result of the drinal trophy, or a major essence (reforging decoration not the rare essence for jewelry)
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Don't forget the fabled chests with the mercs as the 'fabled/ethereal' loot :confused:
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    That is a problem when it is easier to gear up Solo than Heroic. There is a reason there are more drops in group zones that are BETTER than Solo gear. It is so if you wish you can solo for a week or so and expect at least a half-set of good gear, alternatively you can run 3-6 instances and come out in 1-2 days with the same or more gear that is BETTER. I just made a rather large post comparing TSO to SF and how gear was replaced to ensure that you always wanted Heroic Gear but had the Option to Solo if you were new to the game.

    This new Solo-Zone with the rare-chance to drop 1 good item is a great idea, however it is improperly implemented and actually harming the incentive to run zones.
  12. Matik Member

    Isn't this like DoV all over again? They finally buffed all the gear in the starter heroics to 90something main stat and 4.x pot/cb but then all the kael loot wasn't worth going for, minus the BP I guess, and then they added rares with decent fabled drops. Typically when you make mistakes in the past you learn from them...
  13. Seiffil Active Member

    The problem with DoV was they made the PQ armor too good, considering 75% of the people at a PQ did absolutely nothing other then turn on autoattack. Which negated all armor drops from the tofs zones, and while the ry'gorr and thurg faction armor were upgrades, they required a lot more effort to obtain then PQ's for marginal improvement, at least until they removed the shard requirement for the armor.

    In this case, the PQ's are replaced by the solo instances, along with the fact that most people will generally only run instances with a select number, guildmates/friends versus actual pickup groups.
  14. Arieste Well-Known Member

    I agree, although tbh, I think ST drops too many of these as is. I'd like to see CoE drop one regular phylactery off the end boss and an additional Prime one if done in HM.

    I also think that the idea of those crafted items is downright awesome and hope to see more of this in the future. With new and different items. Especially given the introduction of refinement and experimentation these items are some of the most exciting in the game due to customization and complexity in obtainment. moar pls.
  15. Estred Well-Known Member

    Love the idea of a regular off the normal boss and a Prime off the HM-Version... though Venekor would need to be made harder. Even in HM he is too easy (just one roughly 1 minute recast Death Touch).

    As to crafting... to be better than Heroic Gear it should need CoE-Heroic Drops to "unlock" the next tier. An Adventurer can acquire this and give it to a tradeskiller as well so you don't have to Adventure to make these items. Same goes for Raid-Level crafted items. It must be on par with EM or just it but below HM.

    Solo-Mats = Solo Items (harvested/acquired from Solo-Con zones)
    Heroic-Mats = Heroic Items (Drops in Zones or special harvest nodes in Heroic Areas of overland zones)
    Raid-Mats = Raid Items (Raid Drops or Contested Drops)

    I love how crafting is beginning to come back but I think like Adventuring it needs a Gating mechanic, as it stand it is far easier to farm up SS or ST for mats and just Refine+Experiment half your armor.
  16. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I'd run dungeons a lot more if they gave significantly more exp than SS grind groups for green adorns. Speaking as a raider of course. If they wanted me to run heroics for drops I imagine the only stuff they could drop that isn't outright raid level gear is a lot of the SS era crafting components.

    Right now the only real problem I have with those refined/experiment stuff being potentially best in slot is that the parts drop from what is now 'old' content and not 'current' content. Tons of raid level gear can be crafted far as i'm concerned, just as long as the parts are dropped from raid content.
    Estred likes this.
  17. Atan Well-Known Member

    Even if the instances dropped fabled, it wouldn't matter that much since the fully refined and experimented crafted gear from ST components blows away primal gear.
  18. Estred Well-Known Member

    Gets back to the idea that CoE should have replaced all of Skyshrine (and probably PoW with it) with new recipes, hard modes (which there is at least 5 of them but that really is small by DoV standards even SF) and of course fully developed quests in Edilon/Obol that are not tied to the signature.

    I mean c'mon where are the multiple Quest hubs we have had since well... ever. Half the fun of reaching a new hub was picking up 12 Quests. Included was the starters of;
    1: That Hub's specific Quest series usually about 12 Quests worth.
    2: The continuation for the "World" quest that went through all the hubs.
  19. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    The refined+experimented gear is great, but you can only fill maybe a quarter of your inventory with it. There's plenty of stuff they could put in the group instances to make them worth running.
  20. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I wanted to add, if the DF put together respectable groups and was enabled for these zones I would also group more. Even just to goof around and meet more people since it would be so convenient. Unfortunately it seems the DF ship has sailed/sunk.