Idea for a new deity altar on the go

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by MSG1, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. MSG1 Member

    PLEASE! PLEASE!! 1,000 X OVER!, make this happen for wave 3 ethereals ,or some form of non-pay way to obtain this ability, the current top tier deity altars are mythical and the only way to get them is to do old timed missions for keys, then unpack the keys and hope u get the platinum one of 4 different ones with bad RNG rates, then go to thalumbra ,fly all over the zone until you find the correct chest and again, RNG from that box with bad odds to get the mythical altars upon which we can commune with our chosen for small buff.
    Adding a feature like my idea would resolve many raids issues as well with the crashing when going into guild halls during breaks on raid time to re-up our abilities, not to mention the bag space we can save by on the fly offering trash loots.
    Finally if we could get this "celestial" version it should also in turn give a little bit better fluff buff to those stats it gives when communing
    this could easily be added as a 3rd tab on our equipment infusion and deity abilites window:
  2. Paragonvii Active Member

    no thanks.
    AOE1 likes this.