I wonder who this could be?

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Cusashorn, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    throne of mistmoore? <bah that does not fit ____e of mistmoore. doubt this is an AP wife will not fit strife?
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    [p]Its a name, not a description.[/p][p] [/p][p]____e of _i__m__[/p][p] [/p][p]5 letter name of 7 letter title/location...[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Vollux Guest

    Vhalen wrote:
    I could get bride to fit but not mistmoore with the spaces given.
    bride of _i__m__.
  4. ARCHIVED-AbsentmindedMage Guest

    Plane of something? Mistmoore doesnt fit the number of letters. i thought nightmare but that doesnt fit either.
  5. ARCHIVED-Jait Guest

    [p] I knew it.[/p][p] [/p][p]He's got a thing for Eugie.[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-Wrapye Guest

    Vhalen wrote:
    So the question is, what has ol' Mayong been up to these days? Well, we know that he has is now in the possession of Soulfire, through a number of complicated exchanges. He is also involved somehow with the goings on in New Tunaria.

    Vikomt D'Raethe seems to think that Mayong disfavors whoever is pictured enough to have stuck everything in the basement. I would also take the 'milady' to imply someone of noble birth. That, along with Vhalen's statement, implies something that Mayong is embarrassed about, a failing of himself and/or someone who ultimately got the better of him, but he isn't quite over her yet. Brooding, unrequited love - classic vampire.

    I vote for Lenya.
  7. ARCHIVED-Jaale Guest

    Still can't help but think it's someone from the Bayle family line...
  8. ARCHIVED-Araxes Guest

    I've GOT IT! IT'S SOPHIA FROM XENOGEARS YOU DUMMIES! Oh wait. Crap. Totally wrong.
  9. ARCHIVED-Yindari Guest

    ____e of _i__m__ Could be Bride or Pride of Kinsman or Kinsmen Just a thought maybe a brother or allies wife that he broke an alliance to take?
  10. ARCHIVED-Moltove Guest

    If anyone can remember (or even get a screenshot) Wasn't there a painting of a fair woman, kinda pale, in a purple, maybe red dress in EQ1's Mistmoore Catacombs, part of the LDoN expansion? Also, I thought rumors said that Lucan possesed Soulfire? Man I wish I knew where to read up on my lore, from pre EQ1 to now!
  11. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    Acording to EQ1 lore on soulfire (look at paladin epic) the knights of truth had the soulfire to start out with after a weaponsmith stole it. Somehow (forget how) the avatar of war got the soulfire and gave to the ogres. Then (again forgetting how) lucan got his hands on soulfire. ATM Mistmoore has soulfire after opal and the unseen hand stole it. They were betrayed in BB and then dvinn got his hands on it and he gave it to mayong. As for the painting dont really know its possible. For reading up on lore: (Another poster posted these 2 sites forget who [i have bad memory], so its not coming from me) www.lorelibrary.com lorenorrath.free.fr/index.php (this site is no longer updating, but has a lot of older lore)
  12. ARCHIVED-Moltove Guest

    Ah, ok, thanks. Man, that Mr. Avatar of War sucks... Well it's time to set my sights on Mistmoore instead of Lucan! Um....is Mayong killable yet? I know faintly he was...a demi-god in eq1 reciently, so I don't know how that guy can pop right back up after being killed...pfft, I dunno. I'mma go read some lore! =D Thanks again!
  13. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    It's never explained how the Avatar got Soulfire, but he somehow did, and weilded it during the seige of Freeport in the 2nd Rallosian War. During the battle, the Avatars of War and Tranquility faced off, and Tranquility won. After the battle was over, Lucan rode up, took the sword from War's corpse, spouted off something evil, and ordered his army to attack the Paladins and Monks who had come back to defend Freeport. And that's how Ol' Lucky got his hands on the sword :D.
  14. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    [size="small; color: #993300"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]According to the opening scene, Avatar of War was defending Qeynos with his rangers and Tranq was definding Freeport with the desert monkeys[/face][/size]
  15. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Avatar of Flame attacked Qeynos and was destroyed by Brell Serilis. The Avatar of War was attacking Freeport and was destroyed by the Ashen Order of monks.
  16. ARCHIVED-Jaale Guest

    Holy thread-de-railing Batman! That was a quick thread change. Eitherway do we know (excatly) how many letters are to fit in the gap of Vhalens little clue or are we guessing? Hmm maybe, bride of Kirafime (I'm aware of the spelling mistake :p ) What are the house tied to Mistmoores? maybe someone in the famiely tree?
  17. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Actually, it was the Avatar of Storms defending Qeynos with the rangers.
  18. ARCHIVED-Controlor Guest

    If you highlight the _ one at a time it becomes _ _ _ _ e of _ i _ _ m _ _ So that is how many letters appear in the phrase. Least thats how many he put there (i am betting that it is bride of mistmoore and he just didnt wanna put the last 2 _'s so that we didnt get it so easily. He is sneaky like that.
  19. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    D'oh! You are right, it did say Storms (ah remember Karana's name popped in mah head when ah heard that), but why was Tranq defending Freeport? Was that just because the only group large enough to help were the monkeys and Tranq is kinda their God/dess?
  20. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    DrkVsr wrote:
    Both Karana and Quellious agreed that Freeport needed to survive for the greater good of Norrath's future.