I want a bar.

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-PeaSy1, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-PeaSy1 Guest

    Is there any way to implement a title bar that measures your fame? The has to be some formula to it and i would like to see just how much fame i win/lose after a fight.
  2. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    ITs an easy thing to implement. But the devs does not want you to have that information, which is why there is no such bar.
  3. ARCHIVED-xXBubblezXx Guest

    How do you know the dev's don't want us to have that info, and why not, i don't see how it would/could create any more fame whor-ing that there already is
  4. ARCHIVED-Vicenzo Guest

    [p] To me that sounds like a headache just waiting to happen.[/p][p] "Mwaaaahhh!!!! I just lost x faction to 6 orange Champions!"[/p][p]PvP is inherently unfair - thats the ballgame. You can't complain about losing faction if you don't know how much you lost. [/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-xXBubblezXx Guest

    [p]yea but your gonna throw that much more of a fit if you know how much fame you lost as opposed to just losing it? I dunno just don't think it would actually change how people play.. everyone already runs from fights if they don't think they have a 100% assurance to win, or jump off cliffs ect...[/p][p]i think it would be neat to see exactly how it all works because sometimes it doesn't seem to make sence[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-PeaSy1 Guest

    I would really like seeing this. I mean with no way of tellin how much fame you lose/win. And i wanna know why if i get slayer then get 15 straight fame kills then die to a raid of fps and lose that title i wanna see how much i lost.