Has anyone else noticed that the expansions seem to be going in order again? For example, Desert of Ro, then Renewal of Ro, Kingdom of Sky, now Ballads of Z. Does this mean we're going back to Faydwer next? (Personally, I hope so.)
I like the idea, but other than possibly exploring Kedge Keep (which they'd have to work around the NIGHTMARE of mechanics that navigating and fighting underwater presents), there's really nothing left of Faydwer to explore. You might be onto something, though.
I wonder if they could introduce something near it then? I know Vetrovia was based on something, what was it?
Vetrovia is now the name of the continent of Taelosia from the Gates of Discord expansion pack-- the in-game story denotes that the native population was completely massacred to extinction because nobody was able to stop an extra-dimensional invasion until Mayong Mistmoore showed up and wiped them clean. He looked around and renamed the lands because there was nobody left to remind him of where he was or oppose his decree.
Sadness Mayong is an &@$. I love and hate him at the same time, it’s also disgusting what he did to make the spider people. He’s kinda.. . Insane.
I would love an underwater zone (or even a game). Perhaps a giant cave with pockets of air, except I don't know how that would fit in. Kedge Keep would definitely be an area I'd explore if they solved the mechanics and expanded on it.