I am glad to picked up the DoT spell at lvl 9 :-)

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-yzyh, May 21, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    at lvl 9 I had to choose betwin 4 spell. I could't make my mind on 2 spel. A faster casting time root or a DoT with some Magical Mitigation debuff.

    Choosing the debuff was my best move ever. I am only lvl 15 but just the 2 DoT I do have do 20dmg every 4sec + my usual DD spell. I imput ubber dps for my lvl I can chain solo mos lvl 16.
  2. ARCHIVED-Korpo Guest

    Grats :).
    Wait till you hit 23 or 37 and find out what uber DPS really is ;).
  3. ARCHIVED-yzyh Guest

    yeah I can't wait to be a real warlock. But ATM I am stuck on doing tradeskill. I now have 1pp and 12gold at lvl 15 :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Xtremeeeeeee Guest

    Wow whats your tradeskill level and class? hehe.
  5. ARCHIVED-Korpo Guest

    Heh, I had a few plat at level 9, does that count? I was a 42ish alchemist though. I think I was the first sorceror in Everfrost :D.