Hunters Kill Updates

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by KaitlynnAM101, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. KaitlynnAM101 Member

    Hello, would it be possible to have the hunters quests looked at and put more in line with the previous expansions of hunters? All of the other expansions had only 3 kill updates on them, but the EoF one currently has 4 kill updates, thus making it a bit too long. Any response would be welcome!
    Sunlei, Jandraligeli, Rozyn and 21 others like this.
  2. Saezar New Member

    Sunlei and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  3. Lightt Member

    Please for the love of Norrath. #Fix
    Sunlei and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  4. Life Member

    Watch them pull SoF from the four
    Sunlei likes this.
  5. KaitlynnAM101 Member

    Yeah, I mean ideally they remove all of or some of Unrest from it, but lowering the amount of targets in general will help lessen the time input, especially because of the travel time to one zone to another.
    Sunlei and Arandar like this.
  6. Crabbok Member

    Yeah it sounds crazy but having them be that much shorter is actually a huge deal for me. I usually like to swing home on my lunch break at work and get hunters done - but with these new quests I simply don't have enough time to do hunters anymore on lunch, which means I typically have to wait until weekends if I'm gonna have the chance to get them done. Sorta defeats the purpose of a "Daily login" mechanic when I'm logging in less often as a result.
    Sunlei, ASadSin and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  7. Unnattural Member

    It would actually help alot,especially if unrest is taken out of the rotation some. The zone is so long and tedious that many days i just dont/wont have time to get it done :(
    Please for my sanity and my marriage change this!
    Sunlei and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  8. DENSER Well-Known Member

    As i said in pve forum, for some ideas to make it faster.
    Make hunter quest bosses drop a portal After kill.
    Directly to others instances entrance or zone.
    Can help with group without portals, 5 min of travel is always 5 min of winning per run. And those who dont want to cut a zone can ignore it and continue.
    Also, Removed acadechism , If need a 4th named, put 2 in unrest or sof.

    Then I know pushing to stay in game part of the strategy of the mmo, but you will agree, this series of daily quests, alienating, can also discourage the most patient
    Sunlei likes this.
  9. KaitlynnAM101 Member

    Being able to skip Valdoon's dialogue (the slap skip that exists already in the fabled version), would be another thing to help crunch time down some.
    Sunlei likes this.
  10. Ratalthor Developer

    This is not a bug, so I have moved this thread to the General Feedback forums.
    KaitlynnAM101 likes this.
  11. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    It has to be a bug or oversight for the number of hours required for ONE adornment. Never have noticed so many people burn-out from the grind of to many raids for loot drops and the hours of hunters. They stop logging in.
    KaitlynnAM101 likes this.
  12. Kander Developer

    We are adjusting it.
    Twyla and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  13. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I am glad to see adjustments being made, but don't pretend ~8 hours of Hunters to get 1 item is a tremendous time sink.
  14. Arandar Well-Known Member

    In the year 2023 of our Lord and Savior Cthulhu, 8 hours of repetitive, uninspired content to get a single adornment is not exactly a win. People who enjoy that sort of thing can find EQ1 down the hall, second door on the right.
  15. Zenji Well-Known Member

    The monotonous daily quest grind for rewards is just a part of MMOs, has been for more years than it hasn't. Not just this game and not just EQ1. Maybe you are playing the wrong genre.

    Not saying Hunters doesn't have a lot of room for improvement, but the biggest changes most of us would like to see will never happen.
  16. Arandar Well-Known Member

    At least the updates in Estate of Unrest were removed from the Hunters missions. That's a definite improvement just in terms of the general time requirement.