Hua Mein Faction

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-alexr82, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    The requirement to be level 90 is a bit obscene. You don't have to be level 90 for the kerra daily. Why put that requirement for the hua mein daily? Please, change the hua mein quest so that you can get it after you finish Bai'Yun's quest, and do away with the level 90 requirement. It's just silly.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jardon Guest

    You do not have to be 90 to get the Hua Mein Daily crafting quest. I know because I got it yesterday, and compelted it, and I am neither level 90 adventure (86) nor level 90 crafter (83).
    You do have to be 90 to get the Mending a Broken Land adventure daily repetable.
  3. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    The "mending a Broken Land" quest is the Daily Solo Mark quest for the expansion. It is an extra bonus to getting level 90. I do not see this changing anytime soon.
  4. ARCHIVED-Valdimere Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    Could you please explain why the Hue Mein merchant items are level 80 yet you can not (as an adventurer.. not a crafter) obtain the 40,000 faction to get these level 80 items until you are level 90 becuase the daily quests require level 90?

    Isn't that a little miss leading to show these level 80 items for sale on the Hue Mein merchant, and have level 80-89 people do all the Hue Mein quests to get from -40,000 faction up to 32,000 faction only to find out that there are no quests to get past 32,000 faction until you are level 90?

    Very dissapointed. I spent two days working my faction on the Hue Mein only to find out that I would not be able to finish the faction grind until I reach level 90. I would have been fine with this if I had known before hand that I couldn't complete the faction till 90, but for 2 days I believed I was going to get that Hue Mein sword they sell. That's the only reason I pushed myself to do those quests.... run across the zone, kill something, port back... run across zone, pick up something, port back.... over and over and over and... hey wait.. you can't finish this till 90!!!
  5. ARCHIVED-Celestian_GC Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    Really? I did it at least 2 days ago now and the kitty still (just checked again) won't give me the quest again. Standing in front of Keyta Wicker right now and she just says "I am channeling spirits" blah blah check back later.
    Just checked my quest log and the quest completed for "A Message with Spirit. " says I completed it 3/2/2010.
    Oh bleh, I'm a idiot, the quest "starts" in Paineel.
  6. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    You could also start the tradeskill quest series. That will give you the necessary faction.
    It is strange that you need to be level 90 to purchase level 80-ish gear.
  7. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    I believe the items being level 80 is an error. They were requested to be level 90 items.
  8. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    I bought two items from the Hua Mein for my Paladin, they were equippable at L84. Same for the neck piece and charm item from the kerra, L84. Pheep was L83 when I picked them up, but was max ally with both factions. She's a hybrid, Adventurer/Crafter, so already had a faction headstart.
    I really hope the level doesn't change, these are badly needed replacements, and the only things I've found so far that were replacements for some of her T8 jewelry and cloak.
    As you go thru all of the questlines from Sundered Frontier to Stonebrunt Highlands, there were only two legendary pieces offered. Everything else is treasured, and in comparison to the T2s, myth, and T8 jewelry Pheep has, these treasured itemes were usually not an upgrade. The only two items that I did use were a treasured charm item and a treasured cloak which were better than what she had. But those were quickly replaced soon as I had ally faction with Hua Mein and Kerra Island with those legendary pieces.
  9. ARCHIVED-Writer Cal Guest

    Well, if they were changed, I would hope they'd be changed to have appropriate level 90 stats. As it is, they feel like lower than 90 gear.
  10. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    You don't have to be level 90 crafting to get 40k faction w/ the hua mein. Yet you have to be level 90 adventure to get 40k faction. That's imbalanced, and needs to be changed.
  11. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Elhonas@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I agree they should make it so TS repeatables/dailies are not available until the crafter is 90.
  12. ARCHIVED-Twitty98 Guest

    if i did the adventure quests and lvl my crafting up to 80 will i then be able to get the crafting quests? im lvl 86 adv and have finished all the quests in the panda area. and am at 30,200 faction
  13. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Dawnslight@Befallen wrote:
    Yes. The min level for crafter is L80.
    When you run the SF crafter questline, you can gain two or three levels.
    When you finish it, you're then eligible for the dailys with Craftkeepers in Paineel, Kerra Outfitters on Kerra Isle, Hua Mein, and Quel'Ule.
    I ran the crafter quest first on my Paladin who's my Alchemist. She was L80 at the start, ended up being L82 at the end and had a hefty faction with the Hua Mein. After I ran the adventure questline to gain access to the Hua Mein and did all the quests in the village, I topped off at 40k+.
  14. ARCHIVED-Writer Cal Guest

    I see it as a reward for those who take the time to level both adventuring and crafting. Those who put in the effort to level both get a faster path -- because they spent the time to level both.
    Those who chose to not put in the effort still have a very easy option to get it.
    For those who chose not to craft, it only takes three days of the daily solo mark quest at 90 to get 40k faction. 5k for the first, + 2 more 2k quests once a day after that. Three days. That's it. Okay, so one has to be 90 to get that quest. It's something to work towards if you've chosen to take your time to make level 90 adventurer. Again, choice here.
    It's not like crafter only characters have some easy-mode path to getting this faction. Actually, crafter only characters can't USE the illusion items. The illusion items are level 80 fighter/scout/etc... A 90 crafter, 20 adventurer could not equip the illusion items. Crafter only characters can't use the adventurer gear off this merchant either.
    Also, the crafting repeatable quests give 1k Hua Mein, 2.5k Hua Mein Craftsmen faction per 24 hours. 1k or 2.5k per day, no matter what your level is, as opposed to 5k then 2k per day for 90 adventurers. Doing the crafting only quests, you get to -30.5k Hua Mein faction, as far as I know. Doing the adventuring only quests, you get to +32k faction. Doing both is the fastest path. Doing adventuring only is the second fastest path. Doing crafting only is the slowest path by far.
    I really don't see what the problem is here. More effort = faster. Less effort = slower. Both, regardless, have options to get the rewards.
    (And for what it's worth, my second level 90 (adventuring) character is only 77 in crafting. She hasn't done any of the SF crafting quests because I haven't put in the effort to get her crafting to 80. She's also only 2 days away from getting the 40k with Hua Mein.)
  15. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Daenee@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I'm sorry Daenee, I have to disagree with you. Whether or not a level 20/level 80 crafter can use the items isn't relevant to the discussion. What's relevant is that, without leveling adventuring, you can get max faction w/ the hua mein, strictly through crafting, at level 80. You can't do the same with adventuring. The system punishes those who aren't level 80 crafting, and I'm sorry, but there's no getting around that. As I've already mentioned, you don't have to be level 90 adventuring to get the kerra daily quest to build faction. Why do you have to be level 90 adventuring to get the hua mein daily? That's inconsistent. The level 90 adventure requirement for the hua mein daily needs to go away, in my opinion.
  16. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    Illiam@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    The issue is, it isn't a Hua Mein Daily quest. It is a Mark of Manaar daily quest that happens to award faction with the Hua Mein. As such, that particular quest should not have the level 90 adventure requirement removed. Instead, they should add a true Hua Mein Daily quest for adventurers that begins at an appropriate level.
  17. ARCHIVED-BeeJay Guest

    I agree with Urgthock when he wrote "Instead, they should add a true Hua Mein Daily quest for adventurers that begins at an appropriate level."
    The Pandas need to offer daily or repeatable quests to allow adveturers to gain max Hua Mein faction. As a suggestion for repeatable quests how about :
    Fishing Dangerously - from Luah Seigh - kill 12 pond tetras
    Fancy Dishes - from Mashi Su'Wah - kill 8 slate beetles
    Making Life a Bit Easier - fro, Elder Su'Linh - kill erudite battlemages
  18. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    Illiam@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    There are two Hua Mein factions. One is Hua Mein Craftsman faction, the other is Hua Mein. The daily tradeskill quest awards 2,500 Hua Mein Craftsman and 1,000 Hua Mein. However, the regular Hua Mein faction starts out way into the negative numbers. If you're an adventurer and get to 32k and a crafter you could hit 40k in 8 more days without being 90. However if you are not an adventurer you are looking at doing these dailies for at least a couple of months for items that are useless to you. My level 15 wizard /90 carpenter is still at negative 6,000 Hua Mein, but 50,000 Hua Mein Craftsman. I can buy the tradeskill related items and recipes, but not the items that require regular Hua Mein faction.
  19. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    yes, you can get Hua Mein faction points pretty quick, how?
    get first one on Kerra island, from first ghost when it reward Jin'tu Gift for starting tasks.
    and you get this unlocked more by getting a quest from Paineel quest, "A Strange Bone Shard" or Mysterious Bone quest, and 2nd Ghost, Jin'tu to unlock rest of other npc panda that didnt give quests earlier. i just did that yesterday, i went from -18k faction to maxed 50k within 6-7 hours after the 2nd ghost's quest.
    now all that left to work with panda crafters.
    devs made this just right, few other players found this lot quicker by unlocking the "Bone" quest and it can be done within few days if follow the line faster instead of doing The Hole, or skip into Quel'ule faction, or catching up in older expansions.
    rewards are awesome, even some are junks, but good cash rewards.
  20. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Jakra@Crushbone wrote:
    I like that idea. More quests and it seems fair to the adventurers. If I remember correctly, the items that you need 40k to get are at a level (charms, jewelry, etc.) which is useless for adventurers that have already reached level 90.
    By the way, I got the faction through a combination of adventuring and crafting, but I think that the addition of adventuring quests that add faction for Hua Mein but doesn't give a mark, is very fair.