How to get rime faction

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-madhatr, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    Churche: I needed 24,600-25,000 (with the illusion on) to get the Daze in Winter quest, which then leads to the quest sending you to Jarsath Wastes.
    So I was at I think 26,000 or something with the illusion on in Jarsath Wastes, and I was able to do the first quest, but when I returned without the illusion, I could only turn it in and not continue. What faction do you need to get the quests from Tuuak and the other JW Rime campers? I'm currently sitting at -4,750 without the illusion (and can no longer use it), I seriously hope I don't have to grind out 20k faction to continue
  2. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    I have a simple question; my apologies if it has been asked & answered.
    I finished the quest for picking up Stone Mucus in Fens, & turned it in. The description in Wiki said it continues with me talking to Kyene The Eastern Lord, who will give me another quest.
    Kyena doesn't give me a quest, & won't even respond to me. Do I need to grind repeatables to get enough faction for her to talk to me or something? Or is there something else I'm missing?? I really don't feel like grinding sokokars just to get to the next step in the quest line :(
  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Did you have the illusion on when you talked to her? It worked for me.
    You have to grind repeatables at some points, there just is no way around it.
  4. ARCHIVED-anaugi Guest

    Am having a little difficulty here. I followed as much as I could with the quest line... then read about grinding in JK, which I did, then got my faction too high for the illusion (-6250), crashed.

    Can't wear the illusion anymore, so cannot seem to get any quests to further my progress. I can't grind anymore because I can't get the quests to do so.
    I don't have the go to the JW quest, so have been running around all afternoon trying to get someone to talk to me to allow me to proceed, and cannot seem to find any quest givers.


    Edit: okay can get the grind quests with illusion on.. does that mean I have to grind from -6250 up to 25k to get the JW series?

  5. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    I had to grind from -8800 or whatever to 25k to go to JW. Not sure if that is how its supposed to be done but it was the easiest way for me.
  6. ARCHIVED-EasternKing Guest

    Gage wrote:
    That is also what i did, honestly this is pretty tame compared to all the other faction grinds (apart from ezymode sootfoot).
    I wish the city factions were so easy and entertaining to do, i started playing in Jan 05 and i still dont have a single city faction maxed on either my good or evil chars.
  7. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Yea, as it turned out I needed to do something like 3-4 rounds of repeatables to get Kyena to talk to me, so no biggie.
    Now I'm stuck on repeatables in either KJ or Fens to move on ... /sigh
    *back to grinding*
  8. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    I finished this questline with my 80 Templar. I started Monday evening and finished up Tuesday night. Wednesday I posed on my new Icemare in the guild hall (all day) while my fingers recovered from the quest grinding. Total quest rewards (and trash loots from grinding) in the series was nearly enough to pay for the 40p mount so that was nice.
  9. ARCHIVED-Efour EQ2 Guest

    Wow this is fail

    I thought id do this on my Inquisitor becuase my brig was at 200AA
    This is from a person that has all Evil city factions at 40k (ive grinded writs a plenty)
    Im sick of this questline/Grindline....
    Im sick of the distances i have to autorun
    Im sick of the players that area pull 12 mobs, dont ask to group etc.
    The AA is crap ! Its 90% repeatable quests.
    They need to build a sokokar on that ice sheet !
    Maybe this is all cos im on a cleric and everything seems like 100x more work..
    Now i finally got to see all the goodies and am thinking " oh this is nice" Can i seriously be bothered to do this on another charcter ever???
    might as well join the queue of people to kill war trained soko's in KJ !
  10. ARCHIVED-Guy De Alsace Guest

    I just did the KJ ones last night. They were very easy but why Jinisk faction? Its already at 50k with ease using the old quests.
    Synod Reet however gets you to 16k maybe before having to do a heroic grind in Seb.
    Really badly thought out in that regard.
  11. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    How much faction do you need to get Entering the Athenaeum from Delreri Feldrek? I'm sitting at 26,075 natural and have my illusion on. I did all the previous quests but he's not offering me this one.
  12. ARCHIVED-Pouts Guest

    Arianah wrote:
    Yup, I can't get it either and I've done all the prior quests.
  13. ARCHIVED-Stabbath Guest

    What does having that title do? Just fluff? If so, you crazy lol.

    Llogwey wrote:
  14. ARCHIVED-Stabbath Guest

    Where do you get the quest to grind Sokokars? I just found the fish and Chik ones. I was able to get the quest from that npc you mentioned. My faction isn't that great. Can't recall if I had illusion on or not. Think I did.

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
  15. ARCHIVED-Stabbath Guest

    So you have to grind Jinisk faction too!? Sorry, confused.

    Guy De Alsace wrote:
  16. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Stabbath wrote:
    In the main Rime camp in KJ, there are two clicky boxes you can fill: one of them is for fish, & the other is for either Sokos or Chokidais.
    There are similar boxes at the main camp on the Ice Sheet in Fens, one for spiders in FOB & the other for Cabilissian skeletons in the Ruins of Cabilis.
  17. ARCHIVED-Stabbath Guest

    Ok, I keep getting the Chok quests. The spider quest at the sheet seems best so far, I might just stick with that after I try again for the Sok basket.

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
  18. ARCHIVED-Aremban Guest

    Pouts wrote:
    The illusion doesn't matter once you hit -8800 faction. I received the quest at 28000 faction.
  19. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    Aremban wrote:
    Yeah, you still need to have the illusion on to get some quests (doesn't provide the faction boost anymore though). Thanks! :)
  20. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    Aremban wrote:
    Sitting at 29, 875 now and he still won't give me the quest
    EDIT: Did another sokokar repeatable, need 30k to get Entering the Athenaeum.