How do you reset a repetable instance?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Hexalobular, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    There is no obvious button to click on to see lockout and reset timers or to reset the instance, I know there's a non obvious way because I remember asking a couple of years ago but I don't remember the answer and the forum search shows nothing useful.
  2. Steelviper Active Member

    You can press ALT+z, or click on the EQ2 Start button at the bottom left, select Dungeon Finder, go to Persistent Instances tab, there you can reset them if their lockout timer is up ( move the mouse pointer over the grayed out Reset Timer button to see how much time is left until you can reset, otherwise).

    P.S. oh yes, and select Locked Zones at the dropdown bottom left to see zones you can reset.
  3. Evilnok Active Member

    doesn't have to be on locked zone tab to do a reset,when it's time/avail just check for a reset all green button and all done till next round of the raid
  4. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    Thank you, thank you.
    I never bothered to look at Dungeon Finder because I thought that was for player made dungeons.
    Also I wasn't looking for an instance, I knew exactly where it was. Just not how to restart it.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You can choose a zone and dwell over the reset button. It will tell you how long until you can reset that zone, if the button is greyed out. Or you can reset it, if the button is active.