How do you buy a Krono on free account when you can't hold Plat

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Mistymoon, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mistymoon Guest

    How do you buy a Krono on free account when you cant hold Plat
    Would like to play again but cant hold the plat on a free account, so.... what i need to purchase a gold acount to buy a Krono ???
  2. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    Mistymoon wrote:
    buy repair materials and find someone who will accept 18p at a time?
  3. ARCHIVED-yohann koldheart Guest

    CoLD MeTaL wrote:
    that wont work anymore, they made repair mats heirloom. you can do it with tradeskill fuels for a wopping 3plat 60g per stack.
    your best bet would be to go to walmart or another retailer that sells the cards and get a gold month like that to start. then youll be able to hold enough plat to buy krono's.
  4. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    yohann koldheart wrote:
    line 10 buy the pristine repair materials to store plat.
    line 20 pay the person 18p.
    line 30 then convert another 18p from repair materials.
    line 40 GOTO line 20 until paid in full
    If you can find someone who will stand around and get paid in 18p chunks.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Yeah this still needs tweaking hehe because you can't trade Kronos only put them on broker atm
  6. ARCHIVED-Regolas Guest

    I've traded kronos. Bought two from someone else and past one to my second account no problem. I tried originally to buy off the broker and it kept falling. Fortunately the guy selling was online so we arranged to meet. He had some trouble I think removing it off the broker, so it was obviously a bit buggy.
  7. ARCHIVED-Deago Guest

    Use a gamecard for the initial month. Guessing soe still wants gamecards to be somewhat sold at the stores.
  8. ARCHIVED-Zoltaroth Guest

    Cloudrat wrote:
    You absolutely can trade Krono.
  9. ARCHIVED-bucketon Guest

    It does seem a bit of a dilemma, surely people not on gold access are going to be the ones who would want to buy a krono?
  10. ARCHIVED-yohann koldheart Guest

    bucketon wrote:
    wrong, gold players are buying them up like crazy. plat is very easy to make,and there really isnt anything to spend it on in game right now.
    now we can buy a month sub time off the broker for 600ish plat .
  11. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Zoltaroth wrote:
    You have been a busy little beaver haven't you hehe.
  12. ARCHIVED-bucketon Guest

    i think the people who are buying them for 500pp at the moment are making a pretty solid investment, if pp is so easy to come by at higher levels, people who think this is their ticket to free eq are in for a major disappointment when the novelty and uncertainty wears off and the actual value of a real money krono compared to pp becomes clear.
    Sure a new player might buy one for a bit of a boost but dont expect an endless stream of them.
  13. ARCHIVED-Neiloch Guest

    I'm thinking about buying couple thousand plat worth myself. I got over 10k plat and nothing to do with it (dont play alts). even when I was blowing money on resources for raiding with no regard for price i think i lost maybe a couple hundred in a month.
    Buying months worth of gold access across SoE games for some EQ2 plat is awesome. I'm surprised they didnt start selling for like 2k tbh.
  14. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    Zoltaroth wrote:
    My bad, sorry I should have retested that before posting. Mea culpa
  15. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    bucketon wrote:
    I thought the same thing when I stocked up on SC and now I can't use it to by a sub when my annual sub expires in a few days. Wish I had my $100 back.
    People that stock up are taking a HUGE risk that SOE will keep their word.
  16. ARCHIVED-Regolas Guest

    The thing with krono is that they will probably honour the ability of it, even if they scrap it later by stopping the ability to buy them for $$. But I don't think they'll scrap it. They are now getting 30% extra minimum for accounts that would have been gold anyway, people will have more accounts because it doesn't hurt them financially. It's a win win. Kronos are already up 100pp on what they were last week. Demand is definitely putting prices up as all vets see it as a good thing and want free game time.
  17. ARCHIVED-Juggercap Guest

    Regolas wrote:
    Citation please.
    Up 100%? Sure. Up 1000%? Why not go with the extra 0 since your comment is pure bs. They weren't around last week to make the statement.
  18. ARCHIVED-SOE-MOD-17 Guest

    Hi! Please direct any and all feedback, questions or concerns about Krono to our Official Feedback thread here. Thanks!
    Closing thread.