"How Do I Improve My DPS?" - A Comprehensive Conjuror Guide

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-Xalmat, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    You might want to look at this thread. Oonej is working on a cast order calculator that helps answer questions like this, but in the end, you still have to figure out what works in your raid. Sometimes you get surprising answers. I certainly didn't expect I'd be able to fire off a 600k+ EB less than 15 seconds into a fight, but guess what? I did it last night and the tank held aggro like a champ - the mob didn't even blink.
  2. ARCHIVED-Woetohice Guest

    Yeah I've been following that. Oonej has been doing some great stuff...I like his posts and am envious of his parses :p.
    His cast order tool should be a lot of fun to play around with, too (hurry up and finish it already Oonej! :)).
  3. ARCHIVED-Ealenya Guest

    Thank you Xalmat for this guide, it's really great and useful
    I'm level 83 and don't have my epic (planning on doing the fabled one and epic repercussions when I hit level 90) so I'm a bit confused about the mythical pet.
    If I do epic repercussions, do I receive the mythical mage pet as a spell? Or do I have to upgrade my level 85 mage pet? My understanding until today was that I have to use the tier 9 mage pet (though I don't know if it's because the myth pet completely disappears with the enervated version or if it doesn't scale and thus the tier 9 pet is better).
    I got confused today because I found the master spell of the Fiery Magician VI on the broker for 50p, which seemed very cheap. So I was wondering if it's so cheap because conjurors still use the myth pet, or if this is really a very good price?
    Thanks for your help!
  4. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I guess I need to update that section, don't I?
    Once you complete Epic Repercussions, you will never receive the Mythical Pet, and if you ever had the Mythical Pet before you will never be able to summon it again. But that's OK, because the Elemental Mastery buff makes your Master Mage pet superior to the Mythical in every way.
    Definitely snag your Master mage pet if it's dirt cheap. Otherwise it will be 30 days for you using the Research Assistant.
  5. ARCHIVED-JenoJeno Guest

    Woetohice wrote:
    Not sure if you are aware but its done :)
    Ealenya wrote:
    50p... wow have the prices gone down since i've bought mine. I paid 300 plat for it :( and to answer the pet question - use the mage pet.. dunno what happened to our mythy but the T9 one is beast <3
  6. ARCHIVED-Ealenya Guest

    Thanks Xalmat and Oonej :) I grabbed the master and can't wait to be able to use it :)
  7. ARCHIVED-Heimdall00 Guest

    I have 2 questions, would adorments with +skills be better than +int ones? Seems like I keep getting resisted a fair amount on orange mobs, where an extra spell or 2 per fight should offset any benefits I am getting with extra couple int points. Right now I am in a mix of T1 and instance gear, so my skills are only around 500 last time I looked.

    Also, is it worth recasting Blazing Avatar mid-fight assuming low-end gear? Spell looks nice and does a fair bit, but not sure how much I am giving up putting it in my rotation
  8. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Heimdall00 wrote:
    Blazing Avatar is always worth recasting unless the mob you're fighting is expected to be dead in ~5-10 seconds. Short of Elemental Blast, it is our most powerful spell. And keep in mind that it goes off of the pet's stats, and not your own.
    +Skill adornments have their purpose, to a point. The purpose of +skill is to reduce your resist chance. However:
    • Against a fully raid debuffed mob, you should have zero resist issues, so the benefits of +skill become lost once a mob is fully raid debuffed. In a non-raid situation where debuffs might not be as common, there is still some value.
    • Master rank spells and Unabate give Conjurors the best resistability chance in the game, short of grouping with a smart Illusionist, so it further reduces the value of +skill. Since every Conjuror is going to take Unabate no matter what, you'll see the highest benefit from +skill if you are running less than Master spells (Expert or below).
    • Illusionists have a temporary group buff that significantly reduces resist rates, and a smart illusionist will cast it just about whenever it's up. This further reduces the value of +skill.
    • Warlocks have a group +skill buff, which further reduces the value of +skill from your gear. Troubs do too, but they don't always run it. Some other classes have raidwide resistability buffs that further reduce the value of +skill.
    Remember: You can't have a better-than-100% hit rate.
  9. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Think of it this way.
    Let's say you can get adornments that add a total of 60 to your casting skills. I think that's possible, but really, it isn't important. Just for the sake of arguement, lets say that those adornments reduce resistability by an additional 10%. I assure you, it isn't anywhere near that large, I'm simply using that number to illustrate the point.
    Before these adornments, your spell hit rate is 95%. So, out of 100 spells, five of them stand to benefit from the 10% increase, or .5 spells. Thus, your three adornments increase your spell hit rate to 95.5% . . . was it really worth it? For one spell out of every 200 cast? Further, these skills ONLY apply to spells YOU cast at the mob. These skills do nothing for Blazing Avatar, Elemental Unity, Elemental Toxicity, Heal Servant, Elemental Blast . . . or any spell cast by your pet.
    Unless there is no other choice, magical skills are just . . . meh. Anything . . . power, health . . . whatever . . . better than magical skills.