How can tell.....

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Leloes, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Leloes Well-Known Member

    what can be soloed and can't be soloed? I know that there some areas,even with mercenary, so I'd like to avoid those places. How can I do so?
  2. Kalderon 2 Member

    What level, aside of that, trying for youre own, makes more fun. At least to me. But then, what class?
  3. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I'm a wizard and have warden alt. The main one I have problems with is the wizard. He seems to get his butt handed to him fairly easily.
  4. Kalderon 2 Member

    Still need more info, but with my coerc, i have barely any problems, at least with the timeline. On solo.... with tankmerc, normal not adv. (But, to be fair, it is just an alt) Best bet for you, would be warden.

    Info ie, gear and so on.
  5. Leloes Well-Known Member

    What type of information do you need?
  6. Kalderon 2 Member

    What type of gear you are wearing. Aside, as i said, cloth and merc, at least, makes no fun for me :)
  7. Seefar Well-Known Member

    It can't be soloed if you try to solo it and die a lot ;) *

    * Not intended to be as trite as it sounds... I'm a troubadour, and for the longest time I could barely solo my way out of a paper bag. The roolz changed a long while back and made me not quite as group-dependent**, but I'm still pretty squishy.

    ** I kinda miss those days, painful as they could sometimes be.
  8. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm not good at that type of thing without looking in the game. All I can say is my wizard is level 22 or 23 all his gear is up to date. His spells are are up to level. Same with warden. Warden is still in his starting area. I'm just trying to get to get to know which areas are good for soloing and which aren't. Hope this helps.
  9. Finora Well-Known Member

    Well, you can quickly see what is supposed to be soloed and what is supposed to take a group by the con system. Areas that have lots of mobs that con as solo are great solo areas. If you have good gear then you can also solo some herioc con areas/zones but finding that out requires experimentation as it will vary class by class and player by player.

    I personally still use the old system (up and down arrows no stupid brackets) so I'm kind of unfamiliar with the newer con system (weirdly named simple) . Using the older system I can target a mob and see a variety of up and down arrows indicating if they are easy solo, standard solo mobs, weak herioc or standard herioc or epic.
    Without being in game I couldn't tell you how that translates to the default (newer) con system though.

    However, most areas of overland zones are solo and can be soloed by most classes with little difficulty if of proper level and geared in level appropriate gear. There are some (Thundering Steppes comes to mind) that have areas with a lot of herioc monsters and wandering herioc mobs that can cause issues for the unwary but by in large overland zones are where you find solo content. Dungeons and instances hold the vast majority of herioc content.

    Without seeing your characters I can't give specific pointers just some general advice. For your wizard, take aas that bolster your survivability (enhance magi's shielding, mana shield etc) as well as damage increasers.
    Make sure your gear has stamina on it. I know a lot of the newbie armor doesn't for whatever bizarre reason, switch out of that as soon as you can.

    Good luck! Hope this helped at least a little.
    HaphazardAllure likes this.
  10. Seefar Well-Known Member

    I think you'll find that at that level much is far easier than it once was. You may be shocked how quickly you advance (and how fast you outstrip your hard-earned gear and spells).

    If you're on Guk, give me a shout, I'd love to join you! (I make extensive use of the new 'equipment sets' feature*, which allows me to easily switch between my regular level 100 gear and a noutfit more suitabubble for not overpowering the content at lower level.)

    * (New button on the 'Stats' side of the character window. Was a while before I stumbled upon it!)

    By the way, you may want to look into using adornments. I've written a 'Player-written Book'** that gives some guidance on those things. It's only availabubble on Guk server, I'm afraid... if you are on Guk, get in touch and I'll send you a copy with my compliments :)

    ** "The Clueless B'ard musing on Adornage"
  11. Sasfer Member

    Been awhile since I solo'd with my wizzy and can't remember when you get certain spells but here goes.

    Always target the mob and back away till your abilities turn red ( out of range ) then move forward a few steps till your back in range.
    Adept 3 or higher root is recommended...less likely to break root when mob takes damage.

    If you have two roots by your level double root the encounter and keep an eye on you maintained bar. When one breaks recast it. If you only have one or both break recast then move to max range before nuking.

    On trickier encounters if first root is resisted and if resists a second attempt, RUN....YOu might survive an get that 3rd root to stick but I find not dying and having no debt to pay off is better than risking it and having to kill 5+ mobs to pay of the debt and don't forget to use the yell ability and turn your auto attack off so you run faster. I'd had a single macro on my hotbar for this.
    First was use spell or ability and drag the yell ability from spell book...also drag it onto the macro icon too if you want. Then add a new command with /autoattack 0.

    In some areas you can use the environment to your advantage. Position yourself somewhere the mob cant run directing at you and has to take a long way round up stairs, round a bend etc. This doesn't always work as sometimes they run at you and just pop up a ledge regardless.

    As for what you can solo it partly depends on the zones....older zones are easier but the newer zones will drop better gear. Personally I'd pick a blue or white con single target with no up arrows then maybe one with a single up arrow or a standard yellow if it was easy. Unless your really kitted out well Oranges+ no arrows and white 2/3 ups or higher you'll probably be dead within a few nukes.

    Once you yet used to it you'll have a better idea of what you can and can't handle. If you want to experiment with a test root/nuke on a mob you think might kick your butt. Clear you path so if you need to run you won't agro other stuff that may root, snare or kill you.

    Getting your AA's will make all the lower level stuff much easier now than it was when 11 years ago too. Also your more of a solo target killer so until you get the group root group encounters might be tricky too.

    That's my opinion anyway, hope it helps.
  12. Kalderon 2 Member

    Then im sorry, normaly im around 20-30 minutes in those areas :oops: (But maybe just, im playing this game for to long... with fun)
  13. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    This might help you choose your zones;

    Additionally make/level a sage and start harvesting rares to make your expert spells. Use IceShield - it's a level 20 spell - on yourseld whenever it's up.

    Also, if you're up for it, link your character's details from eq2u, lets us take a peek at gear and also AA specs, may be get some advice on changes, that'll help. Finally is all you gear adorned ? At the very least boosting your INT stat will make a big difference to your damage.

    Finally, if you have AoM, get rid of the warden merc and hire Kluuron V'lorn ;).
  14. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone you've helped 100%!
  15. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm a little slower. I try to get as many of the quests as I can.:)
  16. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Will do! How do I link to equ?
  17. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Make sure you're sharing your character's details, (Character/Options), then go to
    Use the search button at the top the page, select Characters, enter your character's name (and server) to narrow it down to just you then hit the search button in the bottom right hand corner. (If you a character not found error, then you're not sharing your character's data).
    You should see your character, in all it's glory, popup on your screen. Look at the top of the browser and you'll see a link similar to mine here ( - The bunch of the numbers at the end, is a unique game identifier for Fyrdanol, and the numbers in your link will be different and unique to your character.)

    In your browser move the cursor to the end on the link, press CTRL & A to select ALL the text, then CTRL & C to copy the link, then come back to this page and use CTRL & V to paste the link here.
  18. Kalderon 2 Member

    Yeah, i like those too! I got one character, which got, dont know, many many quests. Including all the raidquests, first when the game was only to lvl 50 :)

    There so many lovely writen, entertaining quests out there (but if you done those 3-4-5 times..... but, if done for the first time, its great). (((Sidenote: I still can remember, when i was lvl 25 (max lvl 50) and i got my first gold.... those good old days :D )