How are Necromancers in Velious? Discuss!

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Lord_Bloodlust, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Daggster Guest

    2 setups because I don't have that raid gear you're carrying and found out in DoV that I need the tainted heals here and there (that's what the second setup is for, in the other setup I don't have points spent to get tainted heals).
  2. ARCHIVED-Ragnaphore Guest

    Daggster wrote:
    Until they fix temp pets and/or ooze pet, there's no real reason not to get Tainted Heal in a group/raid spec in addition to Bloodpact and Lifeburn. Cast time on pet used to be semi-useful, but not so much with all the +casting speed on DoV gear (even quested/PQ items) and with STA uncaped Enhance : Mortality Mark looks better than 2 more useless pets for Horde.
  3. ARCHIVED-Germs666 Guest

    I recently dropped almost the entire Gravecalling line because it's all useless. The enhance mage pet helps but the rest in really mediorcre. Tainted heals and Bloodpact will help keep your pet alive. Remember that Soulburn is going to drop your pet's HP to zero.
    Mortality Mark becomes a fast casting pet heal/debuff.
  4. ARCHIVED-Daggster Guest

    Ok, re-evaluated my AA setups and it seems that it might be possible to get along with just one setup. I'm not completely happy with it yet though, but I'll make decisions after I have some semi-comparable data on my old group setup vs my new all-around setup... :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Nrgy Guest

    Daggster wrote:
    I can tell you about the Tank Pet a little. I have a basic Hybrid AA setup with a blend of Mage and Tank AA's. I do have a mirror with a pure Mage Raid setup in it. I have 280+ AA's with no Soulburn yet as I would have to respec, so I'll just gain the other 11 AA's to get it as I'm semi-busy/lazy. I box a Coercer so me and my Tank always have out Hate mods on ... Me -35% Hate / Tank Pet +22% Hate (with some snaps if needed). I also hate my Intervated (Epic 2.0) and this makes a huge difference as well.
    Pre-DOV ... Tank Pet (Coercer buffs) + Tainted Heals can Tank some Heroics if you gimped your DPS down to < 2000 DPS but you could get the job done.
    DOV w/Othmir quest gear... Tank Pet (Coercer buffs) + Tainted Heals can now stand up to Named mobs in GD. You still need to manage your DPS but can get it up to 5k - 8k without much aggro trouble. example shardtooth = 10 minute solo fight.
    DOV w/2nd tier PQ gear... Tank Pet (Coercer buffs) + Tainted Heals can now stand up to Named mobs in GD. You still need to manage your DPS but can get it up to 10k - 15k without much aggro trouble. example shardtooth = 1 minute solo fight. At this point I'm lucky if I even have to heal the pet one time during this fight.
  6. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    Tank pet is much better imo now.