Housing....Not sure

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Fixit, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Fixit Active Member

    Not sure if this is correct forum but I looked for one for housing and didn't find one.

    When are the house bugs going to be fixed? Im really tied of houses and guild halls eating items or moving them when I zone out. It took me almost 3 years to complete just one of the New Halas Eroillis houses due to the plethora of bugs in it.

    I have reported them more times than I can count and even showed them to a GM in person which wanted ME to spend countless hours making note of the locs to every bug in each of my houses. [I own over 35 prestige houses alone. I was asked to do the job of the devs! And for free! The last time I spent my game time helping a GM fix a game bug I was promised a GM house item and never got it. I spent over 2 hrs of my time to do someone else's job and I paid to do it. Got nothing in return. Then it took me over 2 yrs to get my stuff back from said bug. Another time I helped a GM with a bug I got ONE cookie. Whoopie. I don't mind helping out to fix things but when asked to spend countless hours is just ridiculous.

    Do Devs even play EQ2? lol

    Now if you want to SEE the house bugs, I will gladly show you in game but don't ask me to spend a week making notes of the locs to them all. I don't work for Sony.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Voraga New Member

    I think I've seen one of the issues your referring too, I'm working on my Guild Hall in Gorowyn and some times if I lower an item so that if more then 50% of it is hidden in the walls floor or ceiling it "disappears" and it a SERIOUS pain to recover. It has taken 3 weeks for me and one of the other leaders two finish 2 rooms because of this and at least one item is still MIA. I love being able to decorate the rooms and houses (my 2nd toon was a 95 carp before she hit adventure level 30) but the display bug where if a certine point on an item is hidden the whole thing vanishes makes it ALOT less fun...

    I'm a Gold Member but it does make it less worth my money since its a HUGE part of why I play, if the bugs were fixed Sony could count on my subscription for a long time, and possibly making my silver account gold for extra characters for different "flavors" of housing.

    Voraga on AB
  3. Fixit Active Member

    Im not talking even lowering an item more than one click of the mouse wheel and items gets eatin in the New Hala Erollisi Mannor and the Qeynos Guid hall. This happens in several houses.
    I really begin to wonder if the Devs planned it this way because it goes unaddressed. EQ1 doesn't have 1/5 the bugs EQ2 has. Time to get with the program and fix this product.
    Voraga likes this.
  4. Fixit Active Member


    Seems this is falling on deaf ears. Pity since decorating is part of the game, and for many, a huge part of the game.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Possibly a lot of the folks that would've been available to help are, as they say, "no longer with us." They had a ton of lay-offs right before a major expansion release, and whoever's left among the devs are still running about, putting out new bug fires. But the housing bugs have been around for years and years and years, which leads me to conclude it's a low priority, unfortunately. :-/

    One thing I do know is that each item has an "anchor point" (which, of course, most people don't know, location-wise, or even that they exist; this game is not the most intuitive...) that it focuses on when you go to move something. If things "disappear" when placing them, sometimes it helps to flip them over, but of course that only works on symmetrical items (and if things disappear, it helps to fetch an item out of the limbo doldrums by checking the House Item list, but if you've got 87 of the same thing, it'd be nice to be able to figure out which one is the problem child). Sometimes it helps to "re-skin" a wall, floor, or ceiling, but it doesn't always; I've got sandy squares in my 4-room New Halas place on an alt, and items placed there seem to ignore the tiles and just go straight for wherever the floor seems to be in a New Halas house, which seems to be about a foot, relatively, below what we humans can see. :-/

    Why, o why, can't we just have a house where the collision detection between items' walls (i.e., the outer edge of any item) and the floor, ceiling, or walls is right at the actual border that we can see? It works sometimes, not in others. :-/

  6. Fixit Active Member

    Well I have decorated SO many houses and found that ALL houses will have bugs. I accept that fact. BUT the New Halas 5 bedroom house has to be THE worse for bugs. I do know that not only flipping an item might help but also changing they view of your toon might help. But in this house, well it will make you go crazy.:mad:
    I am very good at getting around many of the housing bugs but to waste countless hours trying to place an item in some houses is total bs. [Sorry for the strong language]
    Decorating is a big part of this game and this needs to be fixed. The other thing that drives us decorators nuts is that wall &, floors that are not level or flat and to find a 90 degree angle can be a joke in many houses. I took drafting in school and this quality of work would rate a failing grade. So why are ppl that have college degrees, [I assume] think this deserves a thumbs up?

    And again, this has been an ongoing problem/bug for years. The devs cant even reply to this problem here so one of three conclusions must be true............ #1 They just don't care to give us quality, or #2 They just don't know HOW to fix it, #3 They just don't care. {and yes #1 & #1 are the same thing}.
    In any case this does not boast well for Sony.

    Oh! Can I mention the pitch and roll functions on the game tool? Why do they work differently with some objects? What I mean is, one time pitch will "turn" an item end over end and other times it will "turn" an item side over side? Same with the roll. So at any given time you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right on the first try. o_O
    I just don't get Sony's logic in this game. :rolleyes:
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I think some of the issues are related to #2; from what I've heard from folks that worked there, there were major, shall we say, personalities that would deliberately write "spaghetti code" as insurance ("You can't fire me! I'm the only one who knows how to make this work!" "We'll take our chances. You're a jerk. Bye." >punt<); there was often little->no time to do any documentation due to near-constant crunches (which I don't buy, sorry; you've been coding for 10 hours, you can take 10 minutes to make a copy of your mega-file in .txt format and send it to your manager as proof of what you did all day. Said manager can then put that somewhere safe, just in case something blows up and needs to be fixed [which is usually with software, game or not]. Every week, you make a back-up and put it somewhere safe); there have been a myriad of issues throughout the life of the game (such as, "DirectX 9.0c is the bees' knees! We'll never need to upgrade anything in the game graphics-wise again! :D" or "Everyone will have single-core CPUs of 7-9 GHz within a year or two, so no need to worry about basing stuff on peripherals!" etc.), both intentional and un-, that I think it's one reason why they're doing EQ3. I'm not sure how much they can fix nowadays with something as fundamental as housing. :(

    Of course, it's also another reason why engineers who know how to work drafting programs and actual drafters are not the same thing (ask any engineer), but I guess the presumption was that anyone who knew how to program would also know things about geometry...again, not necessarily the same thing. ;->

  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    That being said, I can completely sympathize with a lot of the housing issues; I, too, have torn my hair out on several occasions with several houses, from 2-room to 6-room (have houses in all the cities and tried with just about all except for Freeport ones; just finally got a couple of the 2-rooms. It's weird, since Freeport has awesome architecture inside, but my old computer had major lag and memory issues for so long there...and even the 4-room New Halas places give me fits at times). I've only done stuff in the Felwithe Mansion, the Vale of Halfpint Delight, Mistmoore (mainly Mistmoore; free with 7-year), the Personal Library, Dojo, Maj'Dul Retreat, Opera House, and Personal Planetarium, so I'm no means familiar with all of them (hey, I'm cheap; the Personal Library, Dojo, Retreat, and Opera House were free [or close as dammit] on Test), but they all have issues. :-/

    I haven't done stuff that's nearly as extensive as other folks have, but even I have teeth-grinding sessions at times. Major sympathies for anyone who tries major projects, and major kudos to those who pull them off! :)

    who hopes that they get back to more stable, EQ1-like housing for EQ3 (except for the "tossing all your possessions out on the curb if you miss a week's rent" bit; that sounds like it sucked :-/)
  9. Fixit Active Member

    Thanks for your input Uwkete-of-Crushbone. A lot of what you said just might be hitting the nail on the head. With that said I do hope that someone will still "try" and solve some of these issues or al least offer us some compensation for the past rent paid. Sony cant/wont be able to compensate us for our lost countless hours of time spent trying to make these bugs work but a good attempt at returning some rent would be a nice gesture on their part.

    Of course Sony knows that many of us enjoy decorating so much we will continue to do so no matter the number of bugs. For myself, I own almost every prestige house there is and have plenty of work yet to do. Keep a look out on the housing leaderboards for some of my work. BTW the New Halas house I finally got published after almost 3 yrs of work did make it ti Hall of Fame after only 12 days published, Im pretty proud of that. :) Now that we have more item count I can finally make that house into what my vision first was!:D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. mouser Well-Known Member

    A 'mega file' isn't documentation. Loads of good developers (or otherwise good developers) can't document their code worth a crap. If you're looking at code as your 'insurance' than you might deliberately leave it undocumented, but simple ineptitude can explain a lot of it. It's not as easy as it sounds, because you're too close to it - of course you know how everything works, you wrote it - but to be able to look at as someone else would take a bit of practice (and training doesn't hurt, either).

    As to the pitch/roll thing - that's just a lack of adhering to a set of standards as to which axis goes where. Lay that one on the drones in the Art department playing with Maya.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Grats, Fixit! :D

    And the "mega-file" I was thinking of would just be a .txt version of the C++ or whatever-language-they-used file(s) that was done that day, but I guess it's not that easy. :-/
