House of Commons Developer Chat - August 3, 2006!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-AutumnKiss, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-AutumnKiss Guest

    Please join us on Thursday, August 3rd, for a House of Commons with the developers of EverQuest II at 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern in the #StraticsHoC channel on Stratics IRC.
    You can connect to one of our IRC servers through the use of your favorite IRC client, such as mIRC, ircle, xchat, or whichever you prefer. Connect to port 6668 or whichever server is closest to you:
    • port 6668, USA - Colorado
    • port 6668, EU - Germany
    • 6668, USA - Atlanta
    • port 6668, USA - Colorado
    You may also connect through our handy Java link which may be found right here. You must have Java installed to use this which can be downloaded from the Java homepage.
    General chat relating to EQ2 will take place before, during, and after the chat in room #everquest2.
    Also, we are taking suggestions as to topic and/or developers in attendance! Please post your suggestions here, but we would really appreciate it if you would highlight it in bold red text (and only suggestions please!) so that we may be able to see it and forward it to the developer team. Please keep in mind that these are only suggestions, and that the Dev Team may accept or reject them.
    We hope to see you there!
  2. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    Crafting writs are still not ingame or on test. Any ETA or news of them?
    Thank you :)
    Message Edited by Elorah on 07-18-2006 03:17 PM
  3. ARCHIVED-AutumnKiss Guest

    Definitely a good question... what we're doing here, though, is taking topic suggestions. Like, crafting.. pvp... the new expansion... Something for us to focus the discussion on, and take questions relevant to.
    So I'll mark this down as a suggestion for crafting discussion, okay? Then, you can ask your question (which I also want the answer to) at the HoC.
    Oh, and if anyone needs help setting up IRC, just send me a private message... if you have Yahoo IM, that info would be helpful for me to talk you through the setup via real-time chat vs. private messages.
  4. ARCHIVED-FlintAH Guest

    photobucket FTL
  5. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    I'll second the request for crafting discussion.
    I know Beghn was there last time but I think it was abit too soon after the re-vamp and people were still assimulating all the changes. Now, that the dust has settled maybe we can focus on some better questions :)
    I would like to know abit more rumors on the Character Model Changes so maybe some Art/Graphics discussion?
    Any more hints they would like to drop regarding the Expansion would be lovely ..
    Any hints they would like to drop regarding some Events/Fun/Random Things that are in progress (ie currently working on NOT in mind or hoping to do) would be nice ..
    and I don't have yahoo IM .. how about a cheat sheet? /msg [name] [question] - but how do I know it's gone through? lol ..
  6. ARCHIVED-AutumnKiss Guest

    I can do a cheat sheet on how to log in and connect to IRC, and to submit your questions. All questions are received by the QT Bot, but not all are selected to be answered at that point by the devs. To be honest, there are hundreds (if not more than a thousand) questions that are received during our one-hour time frame.
    However, Lendro (bless his heart) has taken it upon himself to kindly obtain and post answers to the remaining questions (with the exception of those that were repetitive or arbitrary in nature... or just plain rude or decidely inappropriate) and post those answers here after the HoC.
  7. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    We haven't really been told much about the future PvP changes that are coming, or if we will ever see some sort of status / fame - infamy - notoriety bar.
  8. ARCHIVED-n0kn0k Guest

    I would like to request the attendance of the person responsible for itemization at this Dev Chat.
    Since most questions regarding that subject got a somewhat general awnser from the other devs(since they aren't working on that).
    This would also give the (mostly raiding) players a chance to make their wishes clear.

    Some key points to talk about would be:

    - Procs, Procs, Procs in all tiers need a major overhaul (saving the suggestions and numerous examples for the chat ;) )
    - Relic armour..... uber gear dropping from trash mobs... Random farmgroups "raiding" trash all night. Enough said i think.
    - Fabled dropping like candy (the devaluation of the fabled tag)
    - Some fabled not beeing no-drop tagged (tradable fabled is baaadddddd)
    - Rare raiddrop crafting items and recipies

    Ohh and some golden oldies here for some oldskool t5 raiding.

    - T5 fabled revamp (stats are silly atm compared to later tiers)
    - T5 x2 contested dropping wood (Dead horse i know, but can't blame me for trying ;) )

    Ohh about crafting, t1 using mostly Lapis, t2 using mostly Coral for spells ain't consistent with higher tiers.
    Message Edited by n0kn0k on 07-18-2006 03:11 PM
  9. ARCHIVED-CharonDeryni Guest

    I won't be able to make it, but an issue I know a number of bards would like to have an answer to would be 1) Are instruments actually in the future for bards? and 2) Having seen various mounts with faster and faster speeds, how about an upgrade to Selo's at some point to catch up?
  10. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    I second a serious discussion about itemization. It is perhaps the least discussed thing on the forums, as there is no clear item person other than the mysterious 'item gal' who has made but a few posts here. (nothing recently).

    Why are procs not tested if they work when they are changed? Why are some procs virtually useless? Where are the developers aiming to take itemization with EOF - what will keep us playing when we are already full fabled?

    Also why are tier2-4 contesteds still dropping fabled crafting components that have served no purpose since the release of the game. There have been numerous threads on this subject, and it just seems overlooked. Are there plans for these items?
  11. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    You forgot the red highlights :) allow me.

  12. ARCHIVED-Knightrider Guest

    Will anything be happening with the scaling of yellow to orange con mobs? As it stands now a mob that is level 75 will hit at least twice as hard as a mob that is level 74 just because of the difference in cons. The scaling from green to blue, blue to white, white to yellow is nowhere near as severe. This makes certain epic encounters infinetely more difficult merely because of the con of a mob. The encounter would probably be trivial if it were yellow, but seemingly impossible (or at least dang close) just because it cons orange and the way the current system works. I realize that the system was put in place for a good reason, but there are certain instances where it seems to be overkill *cough, Direvine Matron, cough*.
    Heisenberg - 70 Guardian
    Dissolution - Nektulos
  13. ARCHIVED-Xanoth Guest

    heh funny thing is i've seen a wooden drop from the tree in LT... that just wasn't funny =/ i do have screens but i'll not de-rail the thread.

    But other than that even masters have devalued, never mind fabled items... unless by fabled you included them too =/

    I'd personally like to see the return of what T5 had, and what other tiers almost had (but never did thanks to the recipies never being in the game), which is crafted fabled. i still have a fabled t4 fire opal thats worthless.

    Also i think half the appeal of relic isn't that its fabled or anything, but other than the armour quests, its the only armour in the game that comes in the form of a full suit and has people looking like their class (i know not eveeryone is happy about the look thier class is given via relic armour, but thats not the point im making :p). i do think this again is down to poor itemization and visual design.
  14. ARCHIVED-Saihung23 Guest

    I would like to know if there is any word on improvements being made to the guild recruitment tool.
    Nope I havent forgotten or stopped beating this dead horse silly...I am just picking my moments now :)
    If an update on this tool is recieved I would be forever grateful.
    Peace Health Happiness
  15. ARCHIVED-crewguy72 Guest

    My question would be... Where are we at with all the class balancing? How much more do they feel they need to do?
  16. ARCHIVED-Schmoogles Guest

    I couldn't have said this better myself along with the person who asked about the con system also. Are they going to make current contested mobs in KoS orange or going to keep them yellow once EoF come out. Also what snark said about what are you going to do in order to keep someone who is all fabled still playing?
  17. ARCHIVED-Nuhus Guest

    I'll third that :p crafting discussion and Itemization.
    Message Edited by Nuhus on 07-19-2006 09:57 PM
  18. ARCHIVED-Ever-Befallen Guest

    You can write me in for crafting discussion, and expansion.
  19. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    No suprise, I'd like crafting discussion, and expansion discussion, specifically more hints on Adornments and the Crafter's Role in them.
  20. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    Off topic, but I see you upgraded your sig there Ever-Befallen:smileyvery-happy: