Hot bar problem all of a sudden

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by santargria, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. santargria Well-Known Member

    It seems I lost a hot bar and whats worse is if i place a spell or abiity on one it shows up on another - like i'm duplicating the hot bar

    very strange behavior - worked fine yesterday

    Thanks in advance for any help
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    go to your hotbar and right-click. choose open new hotbar. then choose hotbar settings. tell it to show spinner. the spinner will tell you which hotbar setup that one is saved to. there are 9 hotbars. by using the spinner you can control which hotbars you are seeing. when you have chosen the hotbar setting, then click off the show spinner option. this will keep you from accidentally changing which hotbar you are seeing. you can have as many as 9 hotbars up at a time.
    santargria likes this.
  3. santargria Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the response Suka,

    I have 10 hot bars (8 at the bottom of the screen and 2 along the side) - it seems to have fixed itself - I switched to a different toon to see if the problem was acct wide which it wasn't, relogged back into the problem toon - reloaded the ui (/load_uisettings) and it seems to have reloaded properly.

    It hadn't loaded prior when I did the reload.
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    sometimes glitches just happen. yesterday, as happens sometimes to me, i suddenly couldn't cast anything. everytime i hit the hotbar button, it would paste the name of it like a link to chat but wouldn't cast. i camped, restarted my computer, and when i came back in, it all worked normally again. can be quite aggravating to be hitting a mob and be unable to cast anything on them.but it happens sometimes and i know i have to restart the game and sometimes even the computer to fix the problem.
  5. Caith Developer

    There are keyboard shortcut to change which hot bar page is displayed on any particular hotbar you have showing, though for the life of me I cannot remember what that shortcut is at the moment. Think of them as browser tabs, you could have two open and both displaying the same website.

    When you open or re-open a closed hotbar, it will revert to it's default page.
    santargria likes this.
  6. suka Well-Known Member

    not sure what is meant by that. for me, i have my hotbars set to certain pages. if i close hotbar 2 and then reopen it, it opens back to page 2, not page 1. i am not sure what you consider default. if page 1 for instance is default, then all hotbars should reopen to page 1. they don't. or at least mine don't. the only command i have found so far is /open_next_hotbar. however, in options under controls you can key actions for the hotbars.
  7. Caith Developer

    For hotbar 1, page 1 is default. For hotbar 2, page 2 is default, etc.
    suka likes this.
  8. suka Well-Known Member

  9. suka Well-Known Member

    you know, if you use the /savehotkeys <filename> command, you can save your hotkey setup in case it gets changed accidentally. then you use /loadhotkeys <filename> to reload it. you can find a list of slash commands at
    santargria likes this.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    This particular behavior sounds like you had two hotbars showing the same pane of hotkeys.
    suka likes this.
  11. suka Well-Known Member

    right- which is why you should check the spinner number. if the numbers are not the same, then you have simply put the keys on two different bars. if they are the same, then you have a duplicate hotbar up.
    Finora likes this.
  12. santargria Well-Known Member

    Thanks all - the spinner numbers were not the same - having reloaded the ui it seems to have fixed it.

    I know about the /save_uisettings - didn't know about /savehotkeys - that's a good one and in my macro box :)