HoF Guild Alliances

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Moonlit_Evening, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member

    Hello World,

    Xire here again, this time asking/searching for a guild to form alliances with. More so, some friends of mine and I endeavored to create a guild and usually I am the only one on. So, while I do want to search for a guild to join I have placed so much time and effort into building up the current guildhall we have. Therefore, I am looking for Guilds that would like to have a dirge work with them when they raid/group/do heroics. I am not always on, as I have school therefore builidng up OER with more people isn't the best of ideas.

    If there is a guild interested in forming alliances then please PST me also, while my guild is limited with amenities I am willing to collaborate with another guild to allow people from that same guild to use OER resources. Thank you.

  2. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member