High Keep Guild Hall Achievement question

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sapphyrre, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Sapphyrre Member

    My guild is in the High Keep area and cannot figure out how to access the achievement that will let them buy the guild hall. Can anyone help here, please? How do they get the achievement?

    Thank you.
  2. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    "...the High Keep prestige guild hall that we were going to put out this week. We are holding it back for a bit as we weren't happy with how it was acquired by guilds..."

    From the reddit AMAA, delayed to find better implementation. Also hoping they fixed the zone's geometry since then, on the beta server at least the zone was off by like 7 degrees or something- was annoying :3
  3. Sapphyrre Member

    But under the guild achievements, there is a tab for guild hall, and it says to gain access to the restored high keep guildhall. This is live now in game. My guild is there trying to figure out how to "gain access" to get the achievement done. If they were holding back, why is that under the achievement tab for guilds?
  4. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Probably forgot to take it out -- that's a quote from Windstalker, the Sr. Producer of EQ2, in the AMAA they did yesterday during the update time.
  5. Sapphyrre Member

    Okay, thank you.