High Keep Discussion: General Graknus

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Estred, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    If your speaking about the Rubbish Rummager Purtog. His disorderlys once spawned can be aggro'd and individually burned if the healer cannot burst when the boss summons all of them at 20% to aggro into the fight.

    I actually enjoy High Keep and Depths the most of the ToV Heroics. Labs/Halls I feel doesn't make good use of Arial Traps or anything else. It's just huge and that's it. The scripts are fine beyond some personal gripes.
  2. Racki New Member

    We run a weird group ... Pally, Wiz, Conj, Troub, Brig and Mystic. Not ideal but its what everyone enjoys playing. We dont *fail* on the general but its not unusual for someone to die. (one of the casters or rogues)

    We've tried all the stop casting, hide, burn strats and none seem to work. I think our biggest issue is that we end up burning the boss way to fast and script triggers happen very fast too. We do try to kill all the adds, the Wiz and conj between them spike high when adds are out (4+ Million just those two) but its just not enough to kill all the adds. Basically we have a set of tank adds from the warrior call, mage adds and rogue adds ... masses of adds. Tanking them is a non-issue, I can tank them all. With the limited targets on AOEs though and no way to direct open AOEs alot of thier damage is hitting the tank adds (which we dont need to kill) and hence the *correct* adds dont die. Like I say prob our own fault since the boss is dying fast and the adds just pile up and up. Still its acceptable since pallys can battle rez fast and the boss will be dead before the second 30s script expires.

    We even lay bets on who's gonna die :p

    Maby when we get Potent gear we'll have the DPS to just lay waste to everything there .. ATM though if your having issues I suggest stopping DPSin the boss and killing the adds ASAP as per the script if you wanna live through it. Or just accept like we do that in order to get a <2min kill its probable that someone is taking a nap. (If we luck out on the order and get cleric and tank first, then rogue/caster at 40/20, no one dies ! )
  3. Regolas Well-Known Member

    All but the priest cure requirements only affect the person who is chosen.

    If the priest doesn't cure, it's a definite wipe. So as long as the priest(s) cure I'm happy.
  4. Kalika Well-Known Member

    No we did it in quested/As solo gear that was far from being fully adorned.
    It's designed to be doable with AS gear (otherwise how would you get your arcane gear?).

    Your problem is that a mystic is probably the worst healer for that kind of encounter. Check that he/she has 100% reuse, 100% cast, focus on transcendance, ancestral channeling and sideeffect heal on ward termination. Even with that it will be way harder tan with a druid/cleric.

    Keep consecration for the heat of the encounter, ressurect people, as long as tank is alive you can win.
    The only fail condition is to cure the curse too late.
  5. Plinc Active Member

    or you could just use single focus?
    let the tank grab and tool the adds and burn the named. it helps when you are not standing outside his AE range.
  6. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    We do this fight [Heroic] frequently, but I don't confess to understand it - we just deal with whatever happens as it happens.

    What I'm not understanding about some of the comments in this thread is the notion of leaving the adds alone. And then complaining that with three groups of adds up it's too much to manage (some can't manage the incoming damage, some can't keep the adds all on the tank, some have trouble grabbing a new group of adds if there's an existing group in their way).

    We generally just kill the adds. Fight the named until a group of adds spawns. Kill the group of adds. Rinse and repeat. That way, you don't have to worry about multiple groups of adds at once, and you can more easily catch the incoming adds since you don't have any existing adds to complicate matters. The script is % based, so unless you're AoE ing the named down while killing the adds (ie, don't do that) - you'll never end up with overlapping script elements.

    Sure, when we're feeling careless with a good group - we just straight burn the named, and manage the adds all at once - that just takes gear. But with a smaller group that's having trouble, why not do it the easy (albiet slower) way?
  7. Saphirewind New Member

    Easiest way to kill him: kill the non agro named in the room before the General and pull everything to let the bard build up a super RO charge then burn it on the named. Group I was in last night, the General died in 17s.
  8. Alenna Well-Known Member

    yep that is what I do on my illy stop using my spells this is in the heroic zone are my tanks telling me wrong?
  9. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Main reason with amend and sceal of heroism why i took a paladin over a sk ;-)

    I have not my ballte rez ready with an open target but a macro
    with my healer name in it.

    With a paladin you can (with luck) recover from an almost complete wipe (all dead but the crusader).
  10. Racki New Member

    I think your mis-reading my post. We kill it now and have always killed it. The Mystic heals it just fine. People die only to the fail conditions .. that being that if all the mage adds (or rogue adds) are not dead after 30s the targeted mage / rogue dies. As I said we could stop killing the boss and burn the adds, thats just tedious though so we dont bother and just laugh at the person who gets gibbed. He dies in ~1 min for us ... so if the mage / rogue calls come first .. then yer one of them will typically die b/c we choose to brute force the encounter. If their call comes later they live, either way we bet on who's gonna get it.

    Adds dont hit anyone but me (the tank) Controlling them is easy enough, sure we AOE and try to kill them, but we are in the middle position now where our AoE is'ent quiet enough to blow up all the adds ... and we dont wanna stop to SF the adds one at a time.

    We have no issues with the encounter, understand how its supposed to work and will again do it the correct way on alts .. our current group though in half arcane half pot just does not worry about the script though.
  11. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Not only this but even on a dead group member too. We had this situation when our scout died then a healer was whispered to and a curse landed on a scout with no way to cure it.
  12. Estred Well-Known Member

    I've actually found it at least was mistakenly applying to pets :( no idea if that's been fixed my average group now kills Grankus in under 30 seconds, guild group and all that.
  13. Draylore Well-Known Member

    At this point even badly formed PuGs burn him down in < 30sec. Have not had to care about the script in some time now.
    Estred likes this.