Hey Developers! thanks for the Mercenary's

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by fearde, May 10, 2014.

  1. fearde New Member

    Brought me out of retirement, now i don't have to beg so much for a group. As a 53 Conjurer, i am able to solo with a healer/fighter Mercenary,,, Soluseks Eye, Yayyy!, (maybe one day i can have 2 Mercs)
    Mycenia and Feara like this.
  2. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I'd love to be able to get 5 mercs.
    Mycenia likes this.
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You can get way more then 5 mercs. You can just only USE one at a time.
    Kaedian66 likes this.
  4. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    As a guy with a lot of fighter toons, I'd like to see something other than Fighter or Fighter as my 10-year Vet Reward choices in mercs.
    VeilShard and Kaedian66 like this.
  5. TrulyVexed Active Member

    You mean a healer merc that can actually heal the new inflated HP pools? This is madness!
  6. Byms New Member

    Agree. I am back too and it was mainly because mercs can be accessed with SC. Already see the limits of moloing (Kaladim is still hard), but it feels like I have a chance to finish my quests in there. It's.a great move. I will definitely go all access as soon as my toon gets to level limit. Maybe sooner as my SC is running out.
    Pixistik likes this.
  7. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    Obviously I meant 'use' 5 mercs at a time. They wouldn't ask for 650k hit points on an illy.

    On my server, if you ask 'What do people want gear wise for groups?" people just say "We want people that don't have to ask what the gear reqs are."
  8. Kalihel New Member

    Around what level to mercs start to feel mandatory? I want to buy the package with mercs in it but if I can get away with not buying it until next month that would be better. So far I haven't hit any brick walls, so to speak. I'd love to be able to get an Iksar or Sarnak merc but I'll take what I can get.
  9. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I didn't start using mercs regularly on any of my toons until I hit the solo instances in CoE for those who did that timeline and in ToV for those that didn't. Certainly nothing below lvl 80 even comes close to 'requiring' a merc. Also not that mercs do split the xp with your toon, causing you to get roughly 1/2 what you would if you solo.
  10. Kalihel New Member

    Thanks for the info! I'm leveling kind of slow so that doesn't sound like something I need any time soon.
  11. Charlice Well-Known Member

    You can do without a merc till around 92, (when the solo instances kick in) although I found one handy when I hit around 80 and did places like Chelsith and Chardok.

    It's funny seeing the instances that are still hard/challenging. There really isn't that many of them, and most of them are because you need curing. If you run into one, go prepared with cure pots. Deathfist Citadel was one (around lvl 40), Crushbone Keep was still pita in some spots at 30, (20-30) and all the TSO instaces that scale from 50-?. You may or may not need a merc for those.

    I guess it just depends if you prefer to level with quests or dungeons/instances. If you take the instance/dungeon path (which I have with my BL) just keep your armor and spells c/a's up to date. If you choose questing you could honestly get away with a paper bag and apprentice quality spells.