Heroic Opportunity

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Jarvil, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jarvil Guest

    Hi again,

    During battle I noticed we get a Heroic opportunity with the fighting chance skill. This involves a slash attack followed by a taunt to trigger it. Are their any other combinations that produce different effects? What other skills are you aware of that provide Heroic opportunities?


  2. ARCHIVED-Alarr Guest

    Funny thing I was wondering this myself last night. I thought HO would be a bit more complex, following a chain rather than the same 2 moves. I would assume this will get more complex as you advance?
  3. ARCHIVED-Neimhidh Guest

    it only chains if another class trigger it
    I.E. You initiate the ho, then another class performs correct special.
  4. ARCHIVED-Coraz2 Guest

    For us it's always the same 3. I don't know why we even have skills with the fist icon, I've never seen an HO use them.

    In fact, I haven't seen an HO in 10 levels, everyone just spams their damage skills now.

    Our HO is pretty pathetic solo too, force strike does more than sky cleave sometimes.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kwonryu_DragonFist Guest

    For a Solo Fighter

    Sky Cleave (Common) - Single DD

    Crushing Anvil(Uncommon) - AE

    Hero's Armor(Rare) - Adds AC
  6. ARCHIVED-Santsu Guest

    Honestly this is another area where monks loss out. With my swashbuckler i can use 3 different HOs in any fight and they can alter which HO will proc. A monk gets to repeat the same HO ad infinitum, and in a group they just hope the other classes know how to initiate good ones where we can at least add a kick.

    HOs for monks are as weak as everything else about them. I get alot more out of HOs with my other character then I do with my monk.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kwonryu_DragonFist Guest

    Maybe they should have added special fighter HO's for the classes as well (for added variety and diversity).

    Monks/Bruisers have their special three solo HO's, Guardians/Berserkers have their three special solo HO's and Paladins/Shadowknights have theirs.

    Would have been fun to see some variety instead of letting ALL the fighters have the same type of solo HO's.

    Maybe in the future? :)
  8. ARCHIVED-lusse Guest

    I've got Heros armor two times and I'm 29, doing HO all the time while soloing. I've worked together a few nice HO with my wifes brotehr that plays a trub and those two can make quite a few good ones tbh.

    I dont mind that we cant do so many HO (cause I mainly pvp anyway) but it would be nice to get heros armor more often.
  9. ARCHIVED-Malkosha Guest

    Ok then, I'm not crazy.
    Well, not AS crazy maybe because I stopped using HO's on my new Monk. They seem to do less damage than just spamming my attacks and take longer to complete. Oh well, whatever works right?
  10. ARCHIVED-Taharn Guest

    HO's are worthless while soloing, unless you're fighting multiple mobs then it might be worth it in case you get the AE one. Basically, if you do a HO all you're doing is changing your taunt into a skill that does (for me) ~150 damage.
  11. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    It's still damage that you would not do otherwise while waiting or buttons to reset the Primary HO buttons are the fastes reset but with the lest impressive damage.
  12. ARCHIVED-dagoo7 Guest

    New to monk class and not sure of mechanics (casting/recovery, etc.), but weak HOs would be a waste (particularly when soloing) if using those extra abilities (HO opener and taunt) turned off our hasted autoattacks even if only for a brief period. Can someone clarify how this works.
  13. ARCHIVED-erinn Guest

    Within my normal duo (monk/mystic) I often wonder if I'm wasting my time and power doing solo HO's. The extra damage only seems to be around 100-150, which I do in a single hit anyway. I don't need to do taunts separately to keep agro in my duo (Dragon Stance keeps it just fine). So that power spent doing the final taunt to complete the HO seems wasted, and if that keeps me from doing one attack I've not gained anythign by the HO damage. Of course, if I get the AE one and am fighting multiples it's of use, or the mitigation-boosting one...