Heroic Chars on test, will we get the free one?

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Mophia, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Mophia Active Member

    As the players on the other servers will get the chance to make and try an heroic char, will the players on test be able to get one on test server too? !!!!!!

    As I can see the option to buy one, or upgrade to one on the test server now, but not to create the free one promised!!!!!!!
  2. Mophia Active Member

    Ok, checked again, test chars still locked, only options I am being offered is upgrade to heroic on my existing, costing 3500sc, or on clicking create a heroic, being offered the try 1 level for free, or buy for 3500sc.

    No option to create my free heroic, unless I need to buy the extra char slot first !!!!!! If so would be nice to know in advance!!!!!
  3. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Do you have available character slots? I think you have to have one available in order to create a new (heroic) character. Also as you mentioned the servers are still locked so possibly not everything is populated in?
  4. Mophia Active Member

    Yeah, that's why I haven't tried to buy the slot needed yet. Also the notd is supposed to be going up on test today.
  5. Gneaux Active Member

    I was under the assumption that if you had a gold account, that for a limited time, between Oct 1 thru 15 that you would be given the oppertunity to have a FREE heroic character or upgrade and existing character, unless I misunderstood what I read.
  6. Mophia Active Member

    This my understanding, and yes I'm gold, which is why I'm querying it, is it one per server, in which case is test one of the servers included, or 1 per account, in which case do we have to pick which server we have the heroic on?
  7. Morg Well-Known Member

    You don't have to have a GOLD SUB to get this.

    please, go read the notes on the news & info. It will answer a lot of your questions!
    What I can remember off the top of my head.

    1 per account for accounts CREATED PRIOR to Sept 22nd. any level of account bronze, silver, gold & all access.

    Must have an open character slot or purchase a character slot to get a brand new character.

    Can upgrade an Existing character for free from oct 1-15th.

    use the Try Before You Buy option if you are unsure of which class/race combo you want.

    Once you use the Free lvl 85 chatacter ( brand new from scratch NOT UPGRADED one) and you delete that heroic lvl 85 character, You are then REQUIRED to PURCHASE your next heroic character ( see the note above about try before you buy option).
  8. Gneaux Active Member

    I'm almost certain it's one per account, not per server.
  9. Mophia Active Member

    Ok, so I have to pick which server I have the char on, so I don't have to buy a new slot on test, as I have open slots on my other 2 servers. Nasty choices now, which live server and which class.