Heroic Character creation problem ...

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by BakaNeko, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. BakaNeko New Member

    I tried to make/create a character but then i changed my mind so i pressed cancel and when i tried to make a character again it says Buy one now 3500 SC T_T ... I didn't even actually create a character and now i have to pay for one cause i clicked next on heroic ... couldn't this be done after you actually make it not just for clicking the button on character creation ? Just wasted my chance for such a terrible way of them doing this event ...
  2. Hirofortis Active Member

    Got another good one for you. My son logged in and it auto upgraded the character he logged in to without even letting him choose. So it wasted the upgrade. Was this tested?
  3. Properman Member

    Dont think it was, I tried making one, first name was rejected and then it wanted me to buy one.
  4. Azomonas Active Member

    Open a ticket with CS. I'm sure there will be a bit of bugginess today, but they are really good about taking care of mistakes like this.
  5. Clairvoyiant Member

    Same thing just happened to me.
  6. Hirofortis Active Member

    Yea, already had my son put in a ticket but worried it is gonna mess up my other kids account, and since they are on free accounts they can't put in tickets so waiting for them to fix the bugs.
  7. Darkfoz Active Member

    Disconnects affect the heroic option as well, won't let me create my free one. Bit annoyed at this, hope it's fixed soon.
  8. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    Same here. What's funny is that it made me alter the name, like above, then gave Buy and Play option instead of Play for Free. So I hit it and I got the free 85 anyhow. Buggy process indeed.
  9. Wolfsbaine Active Member

    I was in marketplace and it said I had to pay to upgrade my toon. Then I went to char select and clicked the option to create one but canceled out when I couldn't select upgrade. Figured it was going to be buggy
  10. Zoltaroth Developer

    We are looking into a possible UI bug where if the name reservation fails the button text get's replaced with the wrong text. Rest assured that you won't be charged without answering YES to a charge confirmation window. Restarting your client should also resolve this.
  11. Properman Member

    I tried that and it said I didnt have enough station cash to continue.
  12. Moorindal New Member

    I keep getting disconnected in the middle of character creation. At one point it said I had to pay to create the character, but I got disconnected, yet again, and the freebie returned. I pre-created my characters with the intent of just upgrading them once logged in, but I am either not seeing the upgrade option or it doesn't exist. The only options I see are to create a level 1 or create a fresh 85.
  13. Zoltaroth Developer

    Try to restart your client and see if that fixes it and let me know - we are also working on reproducing this internally.
    Azomonas likes this.
  14. Properman Member

    Restarting the client did not resolve this issue.
  15. BakaNeko New Member

    Well after i pressed buy and play it told me i have insufficient station cash >.< . So it actually erased my one free heroic creation .

    And i restarted the game almost 10 times , see how eager i am to play ? XD
  16. Wolfsbaine Active Member

    I am not seeing anything about upgrading my toon. I went to Char select, but only two options. Create a level 1 and level 85. Under the create a level 85 it gives me the option to make a new one, or try one for free. Any ideas on upgrading one? I am using Profit UI if that helps
  17. Maltaros Active Member

    If you are using a non-default UI the "Upgrade Character" button may not be showing up. I clicked off to the right of the character name and still got the upgrade window.
    Moorindal and Wolfsbaine like this.
  18. RestingCoder New Member

    Same here. I hope they can reproduce this.
  19. BakaNeko New Member

    Ive been looking forward to this since the announcement >.< . Now im a sad kitty .

  20. Ohoh New Member

    Character select, create 85, create free, go through picking race, class, city, etc, get to name. "Name is in use". Now it says buy. Can't activate a free 85 without spending the SC. Horribly broken.Exiting the client and re-starting does not fix the issue. It thinks I activated it with a name that was in use.