Not A Bug Heroic 1 Bosses Dropping 410 Gear

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zhevally, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Some of the heroic 1 zone bosses drop a piece of legendary 410 gear sometimes. I know in sultant's dagger we've seen a 410 tank shield, that I didn't grab the name of. Tonight, Sandstone Delta: Eye of Storm dropped "Desert Parched Bow" which is legendary 410 resolve(I'm guessing these might be the rare 410 drops from graceless solo versions of the zone). We should be getting a 420 or 425 piece in their place(in both cases it was a second drop in the chest with a different 420 item).
    Bellamorte and Clintsat like this.
  2. Taled Well-Known Member

    It seems like they are always weapons - I also seem to be seeing the 425 weapons as 'bonus' items on the tables, so it may be that it is pulling a 410 instead of the 425 weapon sometimes? We got a 420, 425, 410 earlier though.
  3. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Yeah we have seen 425 drops from the same boss, I want say sultans was shoulders? and storm was a 2hander? but don't quote me on that.
    I think those are specifically the only 2 items I've seen, but unsure if there are more lurking in other zones.
    Taled likes this.
  4. Miaga Member

    410 you are lucky we got a 405 weapon from the zone boss the other day it was awesome.
    Taled likes this.
  5. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Wow! Do you remember which zone/item potentially?
  6. Miaga Member

    Nope don't remember but will try to have a check later and see, pretty sure it was a one hand weapon for BL/brawler.
  7. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Got another piece of 410 out of eye of storm today: Desert Parched Symbol.
  8. Mint Loot Meddler

    These items are placed intentionally and are entirely additive. They do not share a table with any other potential drops.
  9. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Can I ask why some of the bonus loot on an h1 boss is worse than literally everything else in the zone and the same as solo zone, instead of being 425 like all the other bonus loot for h1 bosses?
  10. Miaga Member

    Why on earth are they in the zone, you need 410 in all slots to run H1 so why do the bosses need to drop 410 loot? It's just pointless, no one is going to use them, maybe change it to something useful, something rewarding from killing the name, here is bonus loot that you may actually want, rather than here is bonus loot for you to transmute straight away.
    Also to say its intentional means that someone has intentionally added gear that provides no benefit to a zone, gear that has the same resolve as you need to run the zone, if this is an intentional decision then umm that's a little odd.
  11. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    I mean I was assuming they were taking the place of the 425 drops, because I've seen them at about the same rate but never gotten a 425 at the same time, which is why I was initially concerned. Even if they are on a separate table to the 425 pieces it still does not make since for a heroic boss to drop the solo bonus loot(like its not even different stats or something, they are the exact same as the solo pieces).
  12. Taled Well-Known Member

    I mean, it *would* make sense if there were some secret reason we aren't aware of, but it's too common/regular for it to be some upgrade thing we aren't aware of that's a hidden mechanic, I think. It could just be for transmute fodder but that's.. unhelpful, if so.
    Priority and Zhevally like this.
  13. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    But even then people could get them out of solos - I did verify that the pieces were actual solo drops as well and not just the same stats level lol. It would make sense if they were used for something else, but then they should give an indication they may be used for something else so it does not look like we are just getting solo loot with no purpose from heroics.

    At the end of the day I guess it really doesn't matter as long as getting a 410 piece does not actually prevent the getting of a 425 piece out of the same chest.
    Taled likes this.
  14. Priority Well-Known Member

    Its funny its "not a bug" when the zones already require nearly full 410 to do AND theyre a downgrade from the most probable source of that resolve (MC).
    Aethos likes this.