Heritage Questing

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Wholfen, May 27, 2020.

  1. Wholfen New Member

    One of the reasons I stopped playing EQ2 (or EQ for that matter) after so many years as a Sony customer was because I truly got tired of being aggravated at not being able to finish heritage/timeline quests as a casual player. You would get to a point and have to stop because you could progress no further without a fully geared group, or two groups. I came back to play some more due to the COVID quarantine issues just to find that nothing has changed.

    I recently took an original character of mine (about 10 years old; my account is near 20 years active) and began playing him up through and to include Zek, The Orcish Wastes. Naturally, I went for the Shiny Brass shield Heritage quest; Level 40^^^ Heroic. Ok, that's fine. With a Paladin character and a healer merc it could be doable. Emporer Fyst might be exceedingly hard at the end, but let's give it a go. It took me a long while to fight through Deathfist Citadel. A couple of fights, stop and completely re-power and heal, rinse and repeat. Finally made it back to the balcony to face Fyst.....and was completely shocked to see a Level 44^^^ EPIC x2 mob waiting for me! What the....this is why I stopped playing years ago...a lev 40^^^ heroic heritage quest cannot be completed WITHOUT a full blown raid!! What stupidity is that?! Why offer the quest as a lev 40^^^ heroic if you cannot complete without a raid? By the time you get a raid together to kill Fyst, you have out leveled the heritage shield reward.

    Daybreak, DON'T BE SONY....fix this somehow. Casual playing members deserve the right to follow the story lines and do heritage quests to completion just the same as the hard core raid player. I know that most of your time is used up with high end content appeasing the raider, but you have MANY solo, or casual members you should be thinking about as well.
    Spindle and Vexil like this.
  2. gem62 New Member

    Hey, did you try to kill him? In my experience if you have good gear, at least mastercrafted and expert spells it should be doable although I haven't tried Fyst in a long while. I'm saying this because at level 22 I was able to kill Ladon, epic x2 level 22 pretty easily. It may not be as hard as you think. I've just been back to the game for about a month.

    Just my two cents:) BTW I'm and SK.
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    Perhaps there is way (ways) to get around epic mob, unless of course it's last task. In any case, this can be found in some of those cases when it seems that only raid can do this
    :) gratz (how many levels have you lowered in your character?)
  4. Wholfen New Member

    Emperor Fyst is the last task. If you don't kill him, you cannot claim the Shiny Brass Shield.
  5. gem62 New Member

    Not sure what you mean by lowered, but no I was not mentored and actually level 22. Although I did have lots of AA's by doing crafting quests.
  6. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    in overall I agree with you that approachability of content from all heritage quests should also be for solo player, at most - for a group (let it requires lot of work to improve and/or buy in order to refine combat efficiency of character)
    in this case your "gratz" is well emeritus. that's right: AA should be enough to allocate them competently, and expert spells or higher (well and a little proficiency). moreover - an epic mob with three stars also would be knock over (also by you) on his scapulas.. although of course need something else ;) (and you said nothing about it)
  7. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    Heritage Quests are /were to my knowledge always intented for atleast a group. There might have been some for solo player but they are tagged Heroic.
    Breanna likes this.
  8. dirgenoobforreal Well-Known Member

    Heritage quests have since the birth of eq2 always been part solo part group content. This shouldn't change because the content gets old so either you find a group or you outlevel the content and mentor down and kill it.

    I dont understand where you get the idea that Heritage quests were supposed to be solo content.