Help With Tank choice

Discussion in 'General Fighter Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Jackem, May 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Alfeo Guest

    Our guild uses a guardian (MT) and SK/Monk as offtanks. I think our guardian is very good and I wouldn't want another MT in his place but I do also understand that this isn't the norm anymore for many other guilds. We've also had our guardian for quite a while and hes very very skilled which is a definite factor. I cant imagine it being very feasable though for a fresh guardian to level and get into a decent guild right now. I'm not just talking challenging, getting into a quality raiding guild with any tank is challenging, but it might be borderline impossible for a guard, there are just too many tanks and too few high end guilds.
    However I do notice that paladins have alot of neat things and seem to be somewhat rarer than other plate tanks (especially rarer than SKs). So I think your best bet would probably be a pally. If you can dps really well as a pally, which the class is capable of, that'll really set you apart and I think will increase your chances of getting in a decent guild that does hard mode raid encounters (the only content that is actually somewhat challenging left in the game imo).
    As far as brawlers go, guilds still use them. 3 Sages requires having a brawler and brawlers seem to have pretty nice snap threat and decent cooldowns to use when times are tough and can parse pretty decently ontop of that. I don't think it would be easy but if you were good I have no doubt you'd find a nice home if you are (very) patient and really work hard on improving yourself.
    Also note that guardians are slated to get alot of changes which may or may not effect the status quo. So you can always make a warrior on the side just in case. But I think you'll have better luck with the pally, especially for the purposes of getting established in game and making a reputation for yourself on your server which is gonna help in getting gear and finding a decent raiding guild that'll take you.
  2. ARCHIVED-shacub Guest

    so is the game over run with tanks, or still in some short supply? I like playing bards, would i be better off with one of them?
  3. ARCHIVED-Alfeo Guest

    shacub wrote:
    It is much easier to get into a guild as a bard than it is as a tank. Bards/Chanters/Clerics/Shamans are probably the best classes to choose from if your goal is to get into a high end raid guild as fast as possible and you don't care what class you are playing.
    So yeah if you find playing a bard equally appealing as playing a tank, make it easier for yourself and just go bard. If you can really play it and get those Victorious Concerto numbers pretty high, you can go pretty much anywhere.
  4. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    On the whole, I agree with Alfeo's last 2 posts.
    Sometimes it's easier to get your foot in the door with a more desirable class and then switch to a tank when a spot opens.
    There are a lot of tanks in game, but there's still a lot of call for them for groups (maybe not as much for raids). You also have to gear tanks up more than other classes before being "ready" to do harder content. Whereas other classes (like Dirge) can contribute and be slightly carried until geared.
    Just FYI. But play what you like.
  5. ARCHIVED-shacub Guest

    I love playing brawlers lol. I had monk and betrayed to bruiser at rok then had t quit . I wanna play one again but from the ways posts are reading what i want to play is a bad class or maybe a class wit bad rap from other players.
  6. ARCHIVED-Vasch233 Guest

    Make a guardian, in a few months, you'll be SoEs pet class.
  7. ARCHIVED-Shredderr Guest

    DO NOT roll a monk ! Mt or Ot a pally does them both better .
  8. ARCHIVED-shacub Guest

    zerk or paly? I hear paladins next update will get nerf will this affect them in anyway @ tanking? I also remember trying to level up a zerk in tso and not many people liked them for some reason i don't know(prob had a few undergeared ones thinking they could run through zones and duel wield not sure) I currently play 80 bruiser and I guess im on a server that is brawler biased i cant seem to find a group for anything.
  9. ARCHIVED-Aull Guest

    shacub wrote:
    There are many brawlers that have this issue on other servers. Brawlers have come a long way in tanking this expac. The deal with brawlers are most need to be totally defensive to do this and they are fine. However plate tanks can do the same but do it offensively.
    Many players want dps aoe dps to run zones. Brawlers are doing better but still cannot compete with crusaders and zerkers.