Help With A Achievement path (for Warlock)

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-bossmonkey1, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sewerrat Guest

    personally i have choosen to do both wis and int to the final step not maxing either one the way i figured it haveing less hate and being able to cast longer before i ran out of power would both be good on long long fights
  2. ARCHIVED-Andromax Guest

    For a warlock, Str and Agi own all.

    Wis would be my third choice, but it is NOT as good as 10% reduced casting times, and 12% reduced recast times of the AGI line.

    And to be honest I prefer the STR line crit chances over wis too. Catatyst + Apoloypse = exactly that.