Healing Stances?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Ryvaken, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Ryvaken New Member

    I've searched just about everywhere I can think and I can't find a straight up answer. Some of the AA abilities for priests (I play a Mystic, my friend plays a Warden) refer to "healing based stances" usually in the context of "this toy doesn't work when you use one."

    I have no idea, at all, what a "healing based stance" is. Are these things that were removed from the game? Should I reread my buffs more carefully? Do I need to lead a seance to read the mind of whoever wrote these descriptions?

    All I'm looking for is a simple answer to a simple question. What is (or was, or will be) a "healing based stance?"
  2. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Shadows AA tree, bottom line, far right, there are two 'endline' abilities. One is your dps stance, the other is your healing stance. It doesn't say what they are in their effect list, but if you read the description of the ability it says something to the effect of 'this is your healing stance'.
  3. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    Do not bother with the healing stance, tbn. It's a joke now. Dps stance is the way to go for every healer now. You loose too much, out of the dps stance and gain too little in the heal stance. The real healing increase is about 3-4%, it's hardly noticable now days.
  4. Tsurupettan Active Member

    Is there a version of The Wild Divine for the DPS stance?
  5. Laiina Well-Known Member

    I am playing with the healing stance now, but I think Beyoncia is right. The actual heal gain is minimal, so going through various AA's to see if there are any major effects there for any affected by stances. I am beginning to think that a semi-DPS setup with lots of heal and ward proc gear might be the best way to go for mixed group/raid setups.
  6. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    No, there is not.
  7. Mktavish01 Member

    As a warden and those stances in the shadow tree ... Ill say this.

    Sometimes its better not to make either one active. It really depends on the situation of healing needed vs putting out your best dps.
    So considering the drop in healing from the dps stance ... you could find yourself lacking heals ... hence you wouldn't switch to the heal stance , just turn off the dps stance.
    And if you find your heals lacking with no stance ... then try the heal stance , but chances are you need to look into more ways of keeping tank/group alive also , if its that noticeable.
    Wellknownmember likes this.
  8. Vasco Active Member

    And I wonder why people complain they can't solo heal new contents.
  9. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine a situation where being in no stance is better then being in one or the other. In addition to the buffs the stance gives to dps (or heals) you get crit bonus as well (in either stance).
    Tylia likes this.
  10. Mktavish01 Member

    Oh damn this browser and my new win8.1 , where I can't quote people.

    But to Mermut ... I cant read what I was gona talk about.

    And the other guy ... meh ... whats the point.

    Sorry Im getting to cynical I guess ... not like ya'll wanted to hear what I think anyways.
  11. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Off topic, but if you right click over reply and select open in a new tab. it'll work. I know it's a PITA, but that's Microsoft for you ;)
  12. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    Are these the same people who ask for another group cure for an inquisitor?
    I can solo heal every non-raid encounter in the game and neither my inquisitor, nor templar touched heal stances since the end of DoV.
    Wellknownmember likes this.
  13. Canth Active Member

    We have a heal stance? :p

    Seriously, though, even on major heal fights, I'm in DPS stance. It wouldn't make any sense at all to not have one or the other cast, especially considering the CB.
    Tylia and Mermut like this.
  14. Vasco Active Member

    To further clarify my original statement, what I was trying to convey is that these stances are situational. Of course off you're in raid gear, running with your best pa withl his 2 cousins and your siblings who's been playing together for 10 years, then yes, healing would be a lot easier. If you're saying that you soloed healed in dps stance when aom heroic first came out in the pre-nerf state with everyone in fresh blue and green gear in a pug, then I call bs. Unless of course you never ran heroic and only does raid or play a warden, then disregard everything I said and continue rolling your face across the keyboard with your naked character.
  15. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    They are not "situational". As many people have said, there is only one situation-be in a stance, in a dps stance, to be more precise.
    And yes, I solohealed heroics pre-nerf in a pug, not all of them though since there usualy was another healer. But it has nothing to do with stances.The difference is easy to be calculated, especially if you class has a ward with the fixed amount, like both clerics have. We ofcourse could play different games, and I recently encountered a few versions of eq2 where Interrogation wards only for 25 thousand, or Inquisitors "must have" the third group cure,... I don't know, but in my eq2 reality additional 10-20 thousand to a single heal, or ward mean nothing.
  16. Wellknownmember Active Member

    I agree about the dps stances being the right one to use, but I play warden and I use the Heroic Howling with the Pack ability, so ymmv. Yeah 10k+ to heal at this point is worthless when you have minimally geared tanks up in the 900k or 1 million HP mark. Unless that extra is also cycled through potency and CB.... then it might make a bigger dent. The devil is in the details of what bonuses apply to the base heal numbers.

    I'm not sure I'm all agog about 10% CB right now, that's not even the amount on one piece of gear. 10% is the new 2%, unless there are increments. I've run in no-stance and even flirted with the idea of using those points in something else, like from the Dragon tree...
  17. Lamatu Active Member

    If you're ever in a situation of not being able to dps much for fear of whatever then by all means, be in heal stance.
    Laiina likes this.
  18. Laiina Well-Known Member

    I am a convertee to the "healing stance is useless" group also. You can verify just how little it does by putting your cursor over the heal spells in your hot bar or spell book and changing stances. In one case the difference was around 22800 vs 23250 base (before potency all that stuff). I suggest that even though it is only two points, it is probably better used elsewhere.

    But this brings up a question also - you get ~50 MA from the aggressive stance - will this possibly get a few more healing procs from gear and AA? Have not been able to really test this out and not sure on the mechanics of it.
  19. Tsurupettan Active Member

    I am a convert to 'dps stance only' thanks to this thread and a few Channelers I follow on eq2u. Being in heal stance is not the difference between solo healing a zone or not. An understanding of your class & the zone is far more important, and I'd say your Prestige line is also a much bigger impact here than healing stance.
  20. Edith Member

    I disagree with the assertion that the healing stances are always useless for everybody. First, the stances are not identical for every type of healer but most of them increase base heals and heal crits by between 5% and 10%. Defilers get a 15% base increase to wards and heals! (/jealous)

    My experience is primarily solo healing mages in raids and I am happy to dps on trash or easy bosses, but you'd best believe on harder encounters I am in heal stance. The reduction of my dps is nothing compared to keeping my group alive, and an extra 100k on a ward can most certainly be the difference between my group living and dying--it is that sliver of red versus dead.

    If another healer is added to my group, the situation is changed a great deal and there is no reason not to opt for more dps. But that is my point, the stances are situational tools whose usefulness varies depending upon how you play the game.
    Tylia, Mermut and Finora like this.