Healer Raid Weapons

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Mermut, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    Has anybody seen any 1-handed healer raid weapons that are not shaman only? I've seen a bunch of peircing 1-handers that shaman can use and a small selection of 2-handers that non-shaman can use... but not a single 1-hander.
  2. ARCHIVED-Anastasie Guest

    The Raid-Crafted 1-hnd weapon is really nice if you haven't checked it out.
    \aITEM -419054621 -600785686:Mace of Radiant Divinity\/a
    or the mace that drops off Tagrin in PoW
    \aITEM -768623893 -1592506563:Mace of Recondite Mending\/a
  3. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    I guess I'll just have to hope for the correct raid drops for the crafted mace then, as we're not in PoW yet. Sucks that there seem to be NO other one-handers non-shaman can use.. but shaman have at least 2 1-handers that drop in Skyshrine.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon Guest

    First mob in HM Drunder (Ragebourne, in HM Sullons) drops an all-priest 1H now.
    I think there is a generic priest 1H in skyshrine as well, but not 100% sure on that: could have been priest usable but statted for scout or something.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    Barx@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Shaman can use the mage weapons which have int/wis/sta, plus there is one healer only weapon that is piercing, making it shaman only.
    Druids are on the 'allowed' list for the slashing weapons.. which have agi/str/sta. Unstandably, the scouts in my raid would mug me if I tried to 'steal' one of their weapons (scout heavy raid force with a scout light drop rate)
    Good to hear about HM Sullon though, thanks.
  6. ARCHIVED-arieste Guest

    I had to laugh at this post (and bump it too!)...

    The saddest part of all is that no self-respecting shaman would be caught dead using either of those two SS 1-handers. Most Shamans wouldn't be caught dead using a 1-hander, period. So yeah... the only two 1-handers are for shamans - who don't even use one-handers. LOL.
  7. ARCHIVED-PeterJohn Guest

    Which healer would actually use a 1H weapon???
    I might have said templars, but we already know how SOE feels about templars, so tough.
  8. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    PeterJohn wrote:
    I'd guess MT/OT clerics for shield ally on challenging content would be about it.
  9. ARCHIVED-Anastasie Guest

    Furies use 1 hdrs usually w/ a symbol and range weapon.
    All melee oriented priests go for the 2 handers though since they do such huge aa dmg.
  10. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    I like to have a 2-hander and a 1-hander/shield. The 'sword and board' gives more customizability and procs for the tougher fights.. especially with two different ward procs on them. The 2-hander is great for the easy content. Right now, there are a few nice healer shields that drop.. but I've seen no nice 1-handers. Actually, the 2-handed shaman spear has already dropped way more times then the 2-handed healer way everybody else can use.