Hazy Impression

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest


    Post a request here on this thread with the following information:
    • Name
    • Server
    • Traits
    • Favorite Colors
    • Additional Text
    Then submit an official request by sending a PM with links to your screen shots and any additional information I should know when creating your signature.
    • Signatures are 500x150
    • Avatars are 150x150
    Just ask for another size if you need one.
    [IMG] Hazy List
    Not taking any new requests until further notice...
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    Other Signatures
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    Miscellanious Doodles
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  2. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    I love the one you made for Etemis :) Do you mind if i use it?
  3. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Oooooo. The same for Nozomi. Now, I guess I really will have to suck it up and get a .php website to host all my sigs on for randomizing.
  4. ARCHIVED-SapphireSniper Guest

    I can host your sigs for you Sapphirius :) Just send me the sigs you want to rotate and I'll send you back the code! :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    That's awfully generous of you. I'll PM you the image links.
  6. ARCHIVED-Thrashercat Guest

    Those are very nicely done My flirty wood elf lives again! hehe
  7. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    I'm so glad you like them I was really debating on sharing the ones I made representing some of the artisits here, but I'm glad I went ahead and posted them. By all means, I get inspired and just create - so, if you like a signature, go ahead and use it.
    Just adding the images here from the comments above -
    [IMG] [IMG]
  8. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Just completed these for a couple guildies...
    [IMG] [IMG]
    [IMG] [IMG]
  9. ARCHIVED-K_Aramae Guest

    Nice concepts!! I really like the positioning and poses! Great work!
  10. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Thanks so much!
    Here's a spin for a PiRATe!
    [IMG] [IMG]
  11. ARCHIVED-K_Aramae Guest

  12. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Oh, and those are his alts on the boat. I thought having them look like his crew would be a nice way to show them off and keep focus on his main.
  13. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Okay... so I am working on a sig, but I had some great shots and can't decide to go all girly or show off a tough girl. It's hard when you get to really do anything you want, but want to capture everything about the character...
    These are drafts, so I still feel like I need to add something or combine some kind of look. I kind of like the direction I am going in both... and maybe just let her decide which she wants...
    Any suggestions?
  14. ARCHIVED-Khellendrathas Guest

    You could always animate them to rotate between the two to show the separate sides of the character.
  15. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    I like both of those... You really do seem to have an eye for placement and pose.
  16. ARCHIVED-Spacezzz Guest

    nice sigs, good job.
  17. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Khellendrathas wrote:
    I think you're right... I'll work on blending the designs so their look is not so different and animate them. I'll post what I come up with...
    Thanks for the kind words Sapphy & Draccula (Spacezzz)!
  18. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    Since I've been out of town... I got lazy and decided to keep the poses together instead of animating them. They just seemed too different and I would have started all over again. So, I focused on the girly poses with a hint of the tough girl as part of the background.
    [IMG] [IMG]
  19. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Hazelle, I just gotta say that your own sig just keeps getting better and better.
  20. ARCHIVED-drinkmorecoke Guest

    awww... thanks so much!
    Here's the avitar to match: