Having a Special Memorial Event , need assistance of a guide

Discussion in 'Guide and Player Events' started by Locospy, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Locospy Member

    I am hosting/having a memorial event for a dearly departed friend on "OASIS server, needing of a guide assistance please to accompany me this and help any way they can,

    the events this wed 4pm PST - Locospys grand thurg hall, it will be posted by dexella and she told me to contact guides for help with the event.
  2. Guide Muji Senior Guide

    Greetings Locospy;

    I am very sorry for your loss.

    When is a good time for you to meet with me in Norrath to discuss more about your memorial please?

    Much thanks,
    Sr Guide Mujie
    SMT - Oasis
  3. Locospy Member