Having a blast.

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Muraazi, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Muraazi Guest

    I was alittle skeptical when I tried these on the test server. Damage seemed (still seems) too high, reseting keys and UI at the start with no real countdown to set that crap up. Drove me up the wall.
    After playing a few today, with some decent healers (damage was fairly good). I really pity a group in there with no healer tho, luckily I play a healer heh. Once people start getting the BG gear the damage will go down a good bit I think.
    Just wanted to say thank you for adding these. Brings alittle more variety into the game. Even tho I lost like 3 AAs trying it the first time (hurry up with my petition please).
  2. ARCHIVED-timetravelling Guest

    glad you're enjoying them! =)
  3. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    yea there is a bigo thread talking about how much people hate it but lets give some love for it. I was very sad to walk away from warhammer because i lvoed the bg stuff they did. but now that same fun is brought to my favorite mmo. yea i lost 12 aas, yea i got stomped twice out of 2 matches. but did i have fun? well the answer is a big HELL YES!. keep making more scenarios, keep making more gear. its a much better implementation than lon was i think by far.
  4. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    Absolutely having fun! I hope you guys can figure out a way to some day let us keep guild chat and let us keep our group upon leaving the BG, though.
  5. ARCHIVED-Aeadiin Guest

    I've got some feedback, and I left that in the thread for it, but I'm having a blast.
  6. ARCHIVED-Foolsfolly Guest

    It's been a very mixed experience for me. Some matches are very fun. Others are just terribad.
    Skills and classes need a lot of balancing still. It's annoying how some classes can totally stun-lock their opponents, while other classes have had all their disables made ineffective in PvP.
    PvP merchants really need to sell cheap toughness gear, which then upgrades with more tokens. Similar to how TSO shard armor works. As it stands right now, you basically just have to suffer through about a thousand crushing defeats while you save up enough tokens to have a full set of armor and actually stand a chance against people from PvP servers who are already fully equipped.
    PvP merchants could also use a bit more inventory...they have bucklers and tower shields, but no round shields? scout throwing weapons but no tank throwing weapons?
    Maps need work...every map should have a safe spawn point. I hate getting farmed on my spawn point. Some classes can even teleport into the elevated spawn points; do something to stop that.
    And players who die within seconds of respawning should not give the opposing team any points. Why should one team suffer just because they got a noob who insists on rushing alone straight into the enemy team every time he spawns?
    But most of all, the matchmaking script needs some tweaking. A random group of stragglers should never get sent up against a full raid all from Nagafen's best guild. And it sure as hell shouldn't happen 5 times in a row.
  7. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest

    /Foolsfolly wrote:
  8. ARCHIVED-nickinoonaa Guest

    I have not stopped hittin the autoque button since BG's went live hehe .
    I love em and I knew they would be good for something else to do other than quest/grind for non raiders like me.
    So far as I can tell working as a team counts for more than anything.Ive been in a couple of pugs now where we stuck together and worked together and we came out on top against the odds.
    Only problem ive seen so far is autoque is always Klak never seems to be smugglers or Ganak i'm getting lots of gears but no Smugglers bottles or Ganak tokens.
    Thanks for another brilliant toy to play with in my favorite mmo SOE .
  9. ARCHIVED-Mardya Guest

    I'm having a great time playing battlegrounds. Aside from the rush of fast and furious fights, there's the thrill of seeing old friends again who betrayed to the dark side. It has been great to suddenly fight alongside them again. At the same token, it can be hilarious when finding yourself up against those you play with on a regular basis and find yourself on the receiving end of their skills.
    There will always be players who are better than others, but all in all i have found the groups I joined very enthusiast and willing to make a good attempt even against solid premades. Major kudos to them! So far, my main concern doesn't involve the noobs who rush in alone time and again - they will learn - but the afk-ers as mentioned in a seperate thread. But with those who join and actively play, I have been very happily impressed.
  10. ARCHIVED-Vakhen Guest

    I've found them rather fun, sometimes frustrating, but overall a whole new experience. Coming from a non-pvp server, going up against the folks who are very well geared from the pvp servers makes it rough, but not impossible. Even my level 80 paladin, with the basic toughness gear on, was able to get 7 kills vs 4 deaths. Them stuns are rough though :) looking forward to getting better gear so I have more of a chance, prob take my healer in today sometime.
  11. ARCHIVED-Ravaan Guest

    I am having a great time thank you very much SOE. I hope this is showing that consensual PVP is very viable on regular servers and maybe we will get MORE PVP options (want to buy a PVP zone with keep battle ala DAOC).

    my the only thing I would like to see is (besides a pvp zone)

    1) more battlegrounds
    2) more exp/aa exp from winning matches
    3) maybe PVP abilities that can only be used and gained in PVP.
  12. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Im having a blast also. I must say though you bluebies are way to easy. :)
  13. ARCHIVED-yadlajoi Guest

    yeah give us gear with thoughness and it might be different, thou nothing beats years of experience of PVPing.
  14. ARCHIVED-Ravaan Guest

    Paill@Nagafen wrote:
    yeah its not you Nags skill thats winning though ... sorry to cut off your epeen.
  15. ARCHIVED-Ravaan Guest

    yadlajoi wrote:
    seen quite a few bad Nags last night but the only reason they win is outgearing the normal servers.
  16. ARCHIVED-Muraazi Guest

    Well, to be fair, the Nagafenians are also being put into pugs as well heh.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Team work is the biggest factor, I cant tell you how many times I see people trickle in 1 at a time and get repeatedly picked off over and over and over. lulz
  18. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Ravaan wrote:
    LOL at touching my epeen....
    This isnt my 1st walk in the park bro, some of us have been doing this "pvp" thing for years.
    Alot of it is gear but for the most part its raid gear everyone has had equal access too for the past 1.5years. It doesnt take much to figure out what gear that drops from dragons, might own a bit harder in pvp combat. Not to even mention all the noobs who walk in without a decent pvp AA spec.
    Hell Im use to doing the same exact thing but with 10x the lag, this is cake compaired to what most of us from naggy are use too.
  19. ARCHIVED-Calliope Guest

    Im having a blast save in one aspect and thats that lagfest smugglers den......it really sucks too cause alot of the good gear requires that crappy bg to be done =(
  20. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    It is alot of fun.....specially when there is some guild vs guild cross se4rver rivalry :)
    As with anything there are good players and bad players.
    Gear matters to...but so what i get steamrolled by some and i destroy others.....fun times imo.