Habitat for Norrathians

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Mythical House Item, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Mythical House Item Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Norrathians
    Life in Norrath is filled with adventure and prosperity. Unfortunately, not all Norrathians have a decent place to call home. In an effort to support the Antonia Bayle Community, Kitzy Cogknocker, Keeper of the Platinum Sprocket has petitioned the Citizenship Ambassadors of each major city to allow the members of Homes and Tomes to construct a home for one lucky family. In order to complete the mounds of paperwork, the Ambassadors are demanding a family must be chosen. If you have experienced hard times in your adventures, and find yourself at a loss for a place to call home, now’s your chance to tell your story. Who knows, your luck could change for the better!
    (( Complete rules and entry information can be found here. ))
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