Gulaep's Harvesting Widget (Excel Spreadsheet)

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Gulaep, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Gulaep Well-Known Member


    I am an Excel spreadsheet gamer guy! I make spreadsheets in Excel for any game I play online. Though this is a very modest spreadsheet I am showing you here, my spreadsheets in general are very extensive and quite grande!

    Grab the latest version of this spreadsheet from Gulaep's profile page.

    I thought I might share with you one tab out of my EverQuest II spreadsheet. The bottom two screenshots shown here are actually all in one tab in my personal spreadsheet. I took that tab and divided it up so it would be easier for you to make use of.

    I am happy to share this with all of you and I hope it proves to be helpful in some way.

    Here are some sample screenshots. Should you choose to download this from my Microsoft OneDrive account, you may freely edit it to your own liking and needs and you may distribute it to whomever you wish but it must be at no cost to them, this must be FREE! That is my only condition and well, I wouldn't mind a bit of credit either! hehe ;)

    Screenshot of tab 1:

    Screenshot of tab 2: Showing the Harvesting Widget.

    Screenshot of tab 3: If you do not like the widget you can use this instead.

    NOTE: The widget of tab 1 and the table of tab 2 have the same data and they are incomplete and you will need to fill in the blanks. For example several of the high-level zones, perhaps a couple zones in the middle-ranges and definitely anything new to the Terrors of Thalumbra game expansion which I do not have.

    The reason for the incomplete data is because I am a perfectionist, of sorts. Incomplete = perfection? Of course not! But what I do mean is I do not enter "cold data" that is to say, everything I put into any of my gaming spreadsheets is actual data I have entered by hand, by myself after having experienced it, seen it, and touched it first-hand. If I have not come across it in game personally, it was never entered. This way I know the data is current and accurate at the time when I am or was playing the game. My characters are all adventure levels 45-62 so that is why some of the higher zones are missing data.

    So again, there will be some holes that need to be filled in, mostly data cells were you see the word "unknown".

    Should you decide to download and try this out I would be happy to know about it in a reply to this thread. You don't have to tell me of course but I think it'd be nice!

    Please leave any comments about whether or not you liked this or found it useful. If for some reason you have trouble downloading this, send me a private message in the forums with your email address and I will email you a copy directly.

    And, by all means, SCAN THIS first if you wish! You should always scan downloads! :eek: Anyhow, I do not use any macros or VB scripts in this so there should be no warnings about such nonsense when you open it.

    Enjoy! :p

    Again, Happy Frostfell!


    PS: I am contributing this part of my EverQuest II Excel spreadsheet because a forum poster in another thread was seeking help in harvesting locations and whatnot.
    DoomDrake and Prissetta like this.
  2. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Wow... thanks!
    Gulaep likes this.
  3. Gulaep Well-Known Member

    And by the way that number where they go "trivial" that's the point in which you get no more skill up points for the zone and the "minimum skill" number is the skill you need to have if you want any chance at finding a rare.
  4. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Not also that nodes will go trivial once you've reach the max skill for your level, even if you haven't yet out levelled the zone.
    Example: A level 3 player will have t1 nodes examine as trivial, once the appropriate harvesting skill reaches 15. Once that player then reaches level 4, the nodes will no longer be trivial until their skill reaches 20.
    [I could never work out the reasoning behind this mechanic and remain firmly convinced that it is a bug] ;)
  5. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Beautiful job, thank you.
    Gulaep likes this.
  6. Gulaep Well-Known Member


    As I quietly and briefly alluded to in my third reply to the "Missing some Satisfaction..." thread, I gave "Gulaep's Harvesting Widget" a new spit-shine for you. What does this mean? Well let me tell you...:
    • The ole widget from 2013 got a face-lift and some fresh lipstick applied so it looks much nicer now. (imo)
    • It now uses Excel 2013/2016's new Slicer method of filtering tables; four were added for your convenience.
    • It is now larger and easier to use and see for those of us, like me, who wear glasses! :)
    • Best of all, it no longer uses arrays which makes editing much easier!!!
    Here, let me show you:

    A screenshot showing Greater Faydark selected in the Slicer; Greater Faydark also happens to have two tiers of harvesting nodes so you basically see two tables in one showing.

    What has not changed? Well...sorry, but it still uses the same data that I included last time, so it has a lot of "unknowns" that need to be filled in; at least I made it much easier for you now, eh?

    Because well, all thirteen of my characters are just babies and I shelter and shield them from the dangers of the high-level areas and/or far-off places - so there is much I personally have not encountered yet. As you may recall me saying elsewhere - "If I have not seen it, touched it, held it, or experienced it personally in game, it does not get added to my spreadsheets!"

    I like the data and information I provide, no matter the means, to be accurate and current - so unless I touch it and see it with my own eyes, it doesn't exist!

    When you go to tell others about me, the word I like to use is "quirky". :p

    The download link to "Gulaep's Harvesting Widget v1.1" is in my forum profile. Just click on my name and visit me. Just, click once though...I cannot handle being tickled! :D

    I am hiding all my download links there now so that I can have control over the versions they link to. I do not want people to download old versions any more simply because I mistakenly posted the links to them in old forum posts that I can no longer edit. Damn hindsight!

    What? Why are you still here? Go download the new version already!

    And don't forget to scan it! You should always scan your downloads! :eek:

    ~ Gulaep

    Note: This image viewer that the forum uses seems to magnify screenshots. I link my screenshots to original-sized images but trust me, my spreadsheets like in that screenshot above for example, are NOT that gigantic! lol :eek: The actual image I am trying to show you right there is what I see on my monitor screen all at once, in this image viewer though, I too like you - have to scroll to see the whole darn thing!
  7. Gulaep Well-Known Member

    This morning, I removed the older versions from my downloads folder so people will stop grabbing the old copies. People are still downloading the old versions. I wrote a couple times that the download links to the most recent copies of my spreadsheets can be found in my forum profile, I also mention it in my forum signature; but not everyone seems to check the other replies here - only the original post.

    So if you happen to click a link in an older thread and you get a "file not found" or some other sort of error message, do not worry, just grab the newest copy from my profile page. That is of course, assuming you even see this reply itself. o_O

    Gulaep 'BeStealin'theOldVersions