Guild Harvest Box

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by BabyAngel, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. BabyAngel Active Member

    How do I set this so that guild members can use it but not random strangers

    The only 3 permissions I can choose from are visitor, friend and trustee

    Do I have to add every member to the door as a friend :(

    suka and Seliri like this.
  2. Seliri Well-Known Member

    in4 answer guize ;'{

    pretty sure you set its amenity access level at the guild hall door, then in permissions in the guild window you define who gets access to what
  3. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    There's a set of guild permission settings that control what guild member ranks get implied Visitor, Friend, and Trustee levels. So for example, you can set all Junior Members and above, to be considered friends. Then you set the depot to Friend.

    It's an imperfect system. The interface for doing so isn't very obvious, and unfortunately I don't have it in front of me so I can't guide you through it. Possibly the above will help you find it... Or maybe someone will come along with more complete directions...
  4. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    If you have access to set Rank Permissions, you can set which ranks get which access by adjusting the following permissions -
    Guild Hall Access: Friend
    Guild Hall Access: Trustee
    Guild Hall Access: Visitor

    For example, if you don't trust new recruits, and want to make sure that they don't use up the resources, you can give all ranks Visitor access, all ranks but Recruit (or whatever your name for the first rank happens to be) can get Friend Access, and the top four ranks can be Trustee. (Of course, this is just an example - your guild can configure the access however it sees fit.)
  5. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Right click and set the permissions. BTW you typically set your guildmates to friend. That enables them to use guild amenities.

    Half asleep here. You control access by guild rank and if you don't give your members vistor status you can bet they'll be leaving soon.
  6. BabyAngel Active Member

    Thanks all I worked it out in the ranks, where I had to set the ranks as friend.

    That was a pain
  7. suka Well-Known Member

    yeah friend works for most members- i always promote to junior member within the first few weeks. However, what i would like to see- and it was brought to me by my guild mates who asked if it was possible - is a tracking log on the guild depots like we have on the guild bank. That way if someone is using the depot without contributing, we can address that issue with that person. As it is now, there is no way to know who is contributing so you have to take it on blind faith
  8. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Set the ranks so that those guild members that you want to give access to are friends. No idea what the default settings are, but the guild rank system determines which members are friends and which are not.