Guild hall question about items placed into the guild hall?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadow, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Shadow New Member

    One of best nice things about Everquest 2 is the guild halls and forming and making a guild and Decorating the guild hall :D My question here is the setting on permission for players to help decorate the guild hall and place there own items into the guild and the setting to remove items ?

    Question : Would a nice player list here on forums how that is done and the different ways to do that it would help ?

    Is it by rank or by "Visitor, Friend, or Ally" setting. (Id have to log in and look it could be called trustte what the 3rd one is there) ?

    For each of the 3 setting does it tell you in game what the permissions are for players who go into the guild hall?
    I like to leave my guild hall open so anyone can enter and tour it after all the hard work to decorate it, but I don't want people to take any item or This happened to me after being gone for a year from game, I Found a lot of my Best Decorations had been moved to my moving crate, now have to place it all back how it was:(

    I only had 1 or 2 members still in our small guild active and what I want to do is after redecorate it all and put it back how it goes, I want to make it so other members that join do not have any way to move it all to packing crate or move the items or take the items......One thing ..... I want to be able to promote them in guild by guild rank and not worry about things missing or moved,.?

    My question for forums, if anyone is nice enough normally.... could you post here a good way to do all that I had the place looking perfect now hard to remember how it all was? Thank you for any help and for those who helped decorate it and there nice donations.

    Also I am missing some items from my hall the picture of Mayong mismoore I did a quest for and 2 Iskar Statues that have nice crafting stat increase spell if you click on them, some one may have removed it all, I will try the setting for "Layout" that are saved, is that saved to computer or saved to the SoE servers? Would help me I don't use my own comuter I use library computer so if I can use the saved layout that help!

    Another question I bought 2 elvan guards for guild hall from station cash in game store one guy one girl and when I went to set them into guild hall, I got a message that places them into the guild hall means I "will not own them anymore" ? What is going on here I like the pictures and station store furniture I might buy some more with station cash but SoE..... why it say I not own it anymore if I place in guild hall, I might want to set it so others do not take the station cash paid items from the hall? Wonder what setting changed with that message if any?

    One more thing I notice that mirrors not working maybe there is a setting for that in game if you know be so nice and post it here, all my mirrors are covered over all white ?

    Guild <Arania> Freeport Tier 1 guild hall, above the ship build into stairs inside the town, Antonia Bayle server .

    Level 95 Assassin Nightshade Arnar Anar the Shadowblade.
  2. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Sure, why not?

    Just like a player house, you can set certain players as trustee (however, you can also set a default guild hall access level by rank in the guild permissions window - that way you won't have to assign access for each member). You can also set a default setting for people that enter the GH (that aren't part of the guild).

    As indicated above, when you are of sufficient rank to adjust the permission (guild leader certainly qualifying as sufficient), you can set the guild hall access level by rank. This means that if you want there to be no trustees aside from your toons, you can set it to guild leader being the only rank for trustee (assuming, of course, that all of your toons hold the GL rank).

    For the first part, I would check the moving crate. If it isn't there, see if it was mailed back to you. If it isn't there, then /petition. For the latter part, the layout file is saved client-side (i.e. not on the server; it saves it to the computer).

    That just means that, if anyone is of sufficient rank to kick you from the guild, and they do so, they probably won't respond to a /petition asking for the items to be returned. If you are the Guild Leader and you don't promote anyone else to Guild Leader, then you have absolutely nothing about which to worry.

    Not sure on that last one. I haven't seen that particular bug, so I wouldn't know how to go about reproducing the bug. Without knowing that, I couldn't give you advice on how to fix it or how to work around it.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    As for your mirrors being white, are you on the default graphics settings or did you play around with them?